The issue is an Islamic issue not a national issue for palestine is where Masjid Al Aqsa is located which was the first direction in which muslims prayed; this is where Muhammed (saw) ascended to heaven; led the prophets/messngers in prayer and this is the land that Allah blessed in the Quran and this is the land in which previous messengers and prophets lived and died!

Thus this is Islamic land; ruled by Islam from the 7th Century until 20th Century and thus all the muslims who understand the above will be angered by the existence of the freak jewish state called 'israel' and the killing of fellow muslims in palestine. Thus it is a struggle between Islam and disbelief despite the attempts to make it a local issue.

It is a problem for the all the muslims and the solution comes from Islam...

by the ways..the latest is that the jews have and are killing aid workers and ambulance workers now! now thats brave.