This forum really served the different points of views of all holy religions (past and present) and I agree to all of them but due to our own limited understanding, skills and interpretation, we end up mis-guided on certain issues but mostly cleared.

Now I strongly agree and accept the suggestion given by brother Malabari and brother Frozen to meet and discuss in order to clarify the doubts and obtain proper explanations.

I am very sure (100%) ISLAM has the answers/solution to each and every question/doubts in your minds with due respect to what ever is your religion or language or region/caste we are from.

Thanks to Coelcanth, Plato (Ayman), Solomon for their active participation in this forum to understand and investigate the religion we follow.

Really appreciate all the efforts made by sisterfathima, Nicetonice and Malabari to enhance the knowledge and understanding of Islam in general.

Finally, an advice to my very good friend Qureshi for playing a fitna in the thread and killed this forum.

Lets continue to put all our efforts to seek and search for the true path and wish May Allah shall lead us to the Right path...Ameen!