gypsy, agree in general.. couple of thoughts though...
1.Palestine IS receiving “billions if not trillions” of dollars.. the question is where does this money go to?
2.I even wouldn’t blame these people, or ‘individuals’ who blow up themselves.. it’s not as easy as “the person has nothing to loose that’s why he/she blow up him/herself”. These persons are rather victims of some big sharks, of some huge , powerful and well supported moneywise, brainwashing machine. My heart is crying when I hear about/see the next blown up victim of these monsters who put this bloody idea into his/her unstable mind and put on him/her this bloody dead belt, and sent him/her to get blown up... THESE monsters are criminals, THEY are killers! And that’s where unfortunately goes a huge piece of western “pie” of “billions if not trillions” of dollars…
3.Certainly agreed with the point of risk of creation of 2 states.. the situation might go out of control, and then thousands and thousands of innocent people will be eliminated…

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry