Right i'm in London so i guess i can give you a bit better insight ... London is safe as long as you keep your head down :-P honestly can't get any simpler than that ... i've been living in London for the past 5 years, so i know what i'm talking about ... i used to live in stratford which was supposed to be one of the corrupt towns and avoided going out late nights but still never used to get any trouble by the gangs ... Central london on the other hand is safe, you tend to have police all over the place which gives you a bit of a breather. Visitors should only be aware of the scams, if they say it's cheap or free then it's most likely a scam and you're being ripped off well ... the only places in london which i would suggest you to avoid (unless you're with someone) is North or South london ... besides that, everything is just fine ... hope this helps