".. When the world's radical Islamists adopted a strictly Palestinian Holy Land as their one common ideological denominator, they also gave a new meaning to their contention that rocket attacks on Israel really have nothing to do with this war.

This is a war for the future of Islam.

Specially, it is a war over the future of radical Islam, which for the past decade, has vigorously and skillfully labored to surpass settlements, Palestinian misrule, and a host of other factors to become the pre-eminent obstruction to peace in the Holy Land.

It is a war fueled by the fact that radical Islam is riven, and murderously so, by profound disagreements over Islam itself - to the point where Sunnis and Shi'ites have taken to bombing each others' mosques, and each other - and that there can be only one point of agreement among radical Muslims from Manila to London to Tehran: hatred of Israel and prayer for its destruction.

The world however, is no longer accepting Hamas' hydra-headed PR role as, at one and the same time, a humanitarian NGO, a sovereign government, and a resistance [read, terrorist] organization.

And many Palestinians, grieved and furious as they are over the civilian deaths in Israeli air raids, are coming to the same conclusion. .."

Question - Is Hamas willing to negotiate? Israel was willing to negotiate but with international monitors as a condition, no? Or have things regressed? Hope someone extends the olive branch soon and meet halfway to negotiate. There must be give and take for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama