britexpat - noted and not dismissing what I just read.

But also note : "Extensive responses to McGreal's allegations were offered by several media watchdog organizations, including the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America,[3][4][5] the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, [6] Engage,[7] and Honest Reporting,[8] which viewed his claims as false and defamatory."

Source :

And in case some people cursorily dismiss anything American or British Israel or Wikipedia ... but note: the Arab Media Watch is one of the links in the "Honest Reporting" in No.8. It is a London-based media watch organization with a pro-Arab perspective.

Founded in 2000, by Sharif Hikmat Nashashibi from Kuwait, Arab Media Watch claims to be the "only organization of its kind in the UK". The organization monitors coverage of the Arab world and Islam in UK based print and broadcast media.

Need further information. Eg. what are the possible biasness of these reporters, organisations, etc. No one is without any bias but the ones without an axe to grind would be nearer the truth.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama