Resuming my previous post:

So, you agree that God is perfect, omnipotent and omnipresent, good.

So, as a perfect being he doesn't commit mistakes, he creates everything as it should be, correcting His creations is the same as telling Him that he did a mistake. Right?
Also he doesn't need to impose His authority because He knows what He created.
We all know how fealings may betray reason, as a perfect being He'll always use His illimited reasoning to overpower any "human fealings".

As Omnipotent he controls/knows everything, including angels, seraphins, demons, djins, etc....
Why can't He control Satan? Shouldn't Satan obey Him?

As omnipresent, he sees everything and he's everywhere, so, you better watch out when you point that finger (just a bite of humor ;)).
Now more seriouslly, you can't hide your thoughts from Him.

"5.This question is similar to someone saying their brother is pregnant and you ask what the baby’s gender is?!!"

hmmmm, so, asking who created God is the same that ask "my pregnant brother" his baby gender?
I would undestand such a reply as asking to an impossibility who created Him?


God is perfect but makes mistakes as any human would do.
God is omnipotent but can't control Satan.
God is omnipresent but he turns his face the other side when things are done by the "revelation" People but punishes any whom that makes some mistakes as the people of the "revelation".

Conclusion: The God of the "Revealed Books" isn't perfect, omnipotent or omnipresent and was created by Man.

P.S.- How many Angels have been reported to have died?

Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ