This portions itself busts the argument in the article. Like shooting himself in the foot.

"The difference between the two is that, the old slave was forcibly enslaved while the new slave takes risk, borrow money and voluntarily go there to be enslaved. The former was enslaved because of his weakness and the later gets himself enslaved because he is poor and hungry."

The point is they consciously made the decision, right? Slaves have no choice. The current ones voluntarily came and took the hardships to work for a better future for themselves and their families. It will be the same ANYWHERE in the world, not just Arab countries.

Having said that, where there are human rights violations, awareness should be brought out in the open and addressed. Most of the times, there is no awareness so the abuses go on unchecked.

Give facts, with some basis so that the authorities have something to work on. Awareness is the key and the internet is a useful tool - to be used prudently, not irresponsibly with emotional and irrational tirades.

"Pakistani government ...very careless and apathetic towards them... Pakistani workers are not being provided with any kind of legal support, skill development trainings and other facilities, and there is no initiative by the government of Pakistan to make them aware of their rights."

- Is this just an assumption? Maybe they are doing something but not telling the whole world about it because the matter is still under negotiation?

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama