today holiday! so i would like to finish all of your encounter points.

“The bad/irresponsable souls will take longer to be turned in angels, just like students at school.”

So, according to you, these souls return back to their bodies and have to ‘re-live’ their lives?
Where are these so called angels? And What is there purpose? I am still waiting for the proof that they exist.

“To give you a clear definition need you to tell me what's your definition for an angel, as a deist i would call them God helpers, probably the forces of Nature.”

As a Muslim, and a rationalize human being, I only believe in angels because they are written in the Qur’aan, which I believe is God’s words. If God tells me there are angels, I believe Him, even though I have not seen them, herd them or can even imagine them.
We believe angels have different functions. They are a creation of God, but have no freewill. They do as God commands and some bring revelation down (like angel Gabriel), some are gatekeepers of hell, some record good deeds, some are constantly in worship, etc. Believing in Angels is a pillar of our faith and we have a great amount of detail on them.
If you wish to know more about what we believe, please refer to ‘Knowing Angels’ by Dr. Muhammad al – Jibaly. If you require a copy, we can get one sent to you for free
Again with ‘nature’??

“Hmmm, you like fairy tails...guess that's why you belive in a private god that behaves like any human.”

? I don’t like fairy tales, and I don’t believe in a ‘private God’
And God does not behave like His creation.
This is a Soorah in the Qur’aan that describes God the best:

“Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One.”
"Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).”
"He begets not, nor was He begotten;”
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."
(Soorah Al-Ikhlas 112:1 - 4)

“Have you noticed that you are trying to justify your myths with my words that have an opposite sense to what you mean?”

No, that’s not what I am doing. I spoke to you as someone who had a sense of reasoning. You claim you use your mind to comprehend everything, thus I tried to expose to you your flaws in your belief system. But clearly I was wrong, because you are unable to answer the questions and you instead try to justify your ignorance of your belief by attacking me? This is childish!

Wake up! Your belief is made of bits and pieces of other dogmas! You deny revelation, yet you believe is souls? Why because you spoke to one? What if I say I believe in revelation because I read some of this revelation? That argument is weak.


1. You believe in God, but don’t know anything of Him. You don’t know where He is, Why He created this world, etc etc

2. You believe in Angels, but have absolutely no knowledge of them. You claim you use reasoning, yet you believe in these insivible creatures found in scriptural books!

3. You claim you believe in the Soul, yet this is illigocal. Where is exactly is your soul? And why can we see it?

4. You believe in Death, but don’t really know what happens after. To say souls turns into angels is as logical as a hindu saying souls are reincarnated!

5. You believe that pain and suffering has a purpose. Even though this is a concept only found in Religion. Most people, who use reasoning, never comprehend pain and suffering and often lose their religion.

6. You believe in Nature. The reality is that Nature is something people use to explain phenomenon they don’t understand. For example, they associate nature with weather, earth, animals, plants, etc when in reality, It is God Who created and controls all these! If you look carefully at the definition of nature, you will see that they are just attributing God’s authority to this invisible non-existent agent.

“As a Deist i have never seen God and any Deist will tell you that we don't need to see him to know that he exists.
If you are so interested on obtaining those answers, please read : http://www.spiritwri...
Then, you can ask me what doubts you still have.”

That site didn’t work.
How do you know God exists? How do you know All this isn’t an experiment by some Aliens? – as some people actually believe!!

"Now, it's my turn to make some questions
1.Is God perfect?
2.Is He omnipotent?
3.Is He omnipresent?
4.What are the differences between a perfect and an imperfect being
5.Who created God?"

note! i am answering each and every Qs you asked, my reasoning is.. my book is the word of GOD, simple!
i am not giving man made website links to prove my claim!
but i am giving divine verses as reference what GOD answered your worthy reasoning Qs already in HIS Book.

1. Is God Perfect: To Only God Belong Perfection

“And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. The Work of Allâh, Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.” (An-Naml 27:88)

2. Is He Omnipotent: Meaning is He All-Powerful : Indeed He is

“Allâh is He Who created you in (a state of) weakness, then gave you strength after weakness, then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creates what He wills. And it is He Who is the All­Knowing, the All­powerful (i.e. Able to do all things).” (Ar-Rum 30:54)

3. Yes, He is Omnipresent, but not His selfwise.Because if He is omnipresent in selfwise there should be billions of gods.
But when a human declares that he/she is a muslim says that there is none worthy of worship but Allah alone. and
“Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One.” (Chapter112 verse 1)
So He is omnipresent in the sense of knowledge wise.
"To Allah belong the east and the West: Whithersoever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing."(chapter 2, verse 115)

We Believe God is Above and Beyond His creation. But that’s not to say He is in a specific location. Because location came into existence with creation. So, in summary, God is where He was before He created everything.

4.Perfect being: God
Imperfect being: Human
(simple difference!)

5.This question is similar to someone saying their brother is pregnant and you ask what the baby’s gender is?!!
God is Uncreated. He has No beginning and No end, thus to ask Who created the Uncreated is like asking what the gender of a baby born from a pregnant man!
By the way, we believe this question is Satanic, as related in the authentic Hadeeth.
actually its an absurd question.
God is The Unique,The One,The Alone!
There is absolutely nothing like Him in the whole Universe.Everything was created, except GOD; and everything will perish, except GOD! There is no creator,but He,and He creates whatever He pleases!

Holy Quran Chapter 57 Surah Hadid verses 2-3: To GOD belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He Alone grants life and causes death, and has power over everything. He is the First, as well as the Last! The Manifest, as well as the Hidden! And He has knowledge of everything.

Holy Quran Chapter 112 Surah Ikhlaas verses 3-4: Neither has He an offspring, nor is He is the offspring of anyone! And none is equal with Him in rank.

Everything in existence is created, and everything that is created has to start somewhere. In light of the Holy Quran, we are commanded to believe that GOD is Creator and Originator of everything in the heavens and the earth and everything that is in between. There was nothing before Him; He was the First and He created everything in existence!

Holy Quran Chapter 42 Surah Ash-Shura verse 11:There is Absolutely nothing like Him (GOD) in the whole Universe! He is the All-Hearing, The All-Seeing! To Him Alone belong the keys of the treasures of the heavens and the earth!

Feel free to ask anything you wish, i hope you ask for your knowledge and not to offend.