Date symbolic only. Purpose was to move away from the pagan festivals. Winter Solstice December 21 - longest night of the year / greatest darkness. So - passing from darkness into light. And the rest - well explained by loulsy.

Agree with thread title - in respect of people who are Christians in name only, who go to mass, pray to the Lord without being conscious of the real meaning of Christmas. Many people have shallow views or follow traditions blindly but are no less loved by God so hope some of them become aware and wake up before God calls them home. (If called home, it's a bit late. There's free will but ...)

One more thing, traditions are important as anchors for the future and important for children and the immature. Hence, Santa and all his rolly polly glory. People are supposed to progress from there.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama