From the other thread, as the information is interesting and useful, so worth repeating;

desert_queen said

Actually we knew that the test would come back the would never admit that poison had been used....
Thanks God, I took pictures of everything and thanks Gulf-times for publishing them....
I KNOW what happened......

marycatherine said

Strychnine is the poison of "choice" in many parts of the gulf for trying to deal with stray animal (particularly dogs) "problems". Unfortunately, it is a very cruel and horrible death - and the poison travels up the food chain - so if an insect or rat or cat or bird or cat or dog eats it and is itself eaten - then the strychnine moves on up.

A similar situation happened at Mushref Park in Dubai a few years ago - some black hearted person didn't like that dogs were being exercised OUTSIDE the park boundaries (it is surrounded by a large fence) and took it upon themselves to "discourage" the practice.

I don't know if a child handled the food or dead animal and then touched their nose or mouth what the consequences would be - perhaps a physician could investigate and advise? People like these villains need to know that it's not "just" animals that may be affected.

marycatherine said

Another way to make a dog vomit is to give it 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide every 10 minutes until it vomits. I carry a bottle plus some canned catfood (my dog's favourite forbidden treat) in my car at all times. She learned the one time I had to use it (ate something that was toxic and I called the vet) that the hydrogen peroxide is awful - and refused the second spoonful - so I made a catfood sundae.