For my country, I hope and pray for the current govt to sit up and take note of the grassroots and have their finger on the pulse better.

The fact that we have voted (sort of) recently and made our wishes clear by taking away some power from them serves to wake them up. A strong opposition is necessary as checks and balances of the govt so that our rights are not ridden roughshod over.

However, certain quarters are using that as ammunition to try and take over. I'm still not convinced about their true intentions. All looks good but it could be a facade. The recent elections were quite transparent and that was a positive move forward - although the current Prime Minister was heavily criticized for it. I hope the transparency continues.

My current view (as always, subject to new credible information) is not to change the MY government leadership but to have effective checks and balances in place.

/This is also why I haven't migrated like many. I will stand and be counted, whether people like it or not.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama