And how about the rules of man? Can man actually be allowed to rule with their man made rules? Is it hard for you to comprehend that God has a plan?

Would you send your children to school without telling them what needs to be done? Why not allow their ‘reasoning’ to figure out that they are at school to obey the teachers and study?!

If God is so Sublime, Why would he create a machine and not give us the manual? I.e. why create us..our bodies.. or minds...and not give us some sort of guidance?

You tell me, why did God allow the tsunami to kill so many people? Islaam gives us explanation for these calamities. How can God not interfere? Tell me, why does your heart beat? Do you tell it to? Who do you think controls that? Who do you think removes and add your soul into your body?!

why is it hard to belive your TRUE GOD WHO IS ONE AND ONLY, can send messengers and revealations???

insha allah, i will answer your last post soon, and about "all scientists are not diest but belivers" means they belived in certain revealation books. They never denied holy books besides beliving in God and his messengers.