Teleguy, no matter what you do accept it you're destined for her and likewise. In life, you have to be creative. Marriage requires one to be able to lead with example. Take the lead, make the bold move tha you've never did before and I'm pretty sure that you'll achieve satisfaction in whatever you need/do. In marriage, the two of you are one entity. Therefore whatever decision you've reached, it has to be to the satisfaction of both of you and your family. It's never too late to take the first bold move. Do it .... don't procastinate!
Teleguy, no matter what you do accept it you're destined for her and likewise. In life, you have to be creative. Marriage requires one to be able to lead with example. Take the lead, make the bold move tha you've never did before and I'm pretty sure that you'll achieve satisfaction in whatever you need/do. In marriage, the two of you are one entity. Therefore whatever decision you've reached, it has to be to the satisfaction of both of you and your family. It's never too late to take the first bold move. Do it .... don't procastinate!