sisterfatima: Nice to see you have calmed down.

"remember whenever u skip my Qs, more and more Qs coming to answer!"

Lol, no one is skiping anyone's questions, i know the answer, so i just limit myself to make you same questions to make you think because you'll find the reply on your own mind.

Because i don't belive in Paradise/Hell, or even in evil, i don't see why shouldn't both their physicall bodies rest in same place, Sister Teresa spirit will be nearer from becoming on of God's angels that Hitler's spirit. Just like when you go to school, you study to get your diploma right? See the spirits life just like they were at a school whoose main purpose is turning them into angels, to pass to the next level you must reborn with a body that will try to deceive you but the stronger is the soul the harder will be the proofs it has to pass by.

"This hasn’t answered the Question. Let me give you a more serious example. Let’s say you have a son, and he is murdered by a man and then this man has a long, happy life and then finally dies and he is buried next to your son. Would you consider God to be Just?
What about famine and poverty? Have you see the children of Africa? They are so hungry that they have to drink urine of animals as water! Is this Justice? How do you explain this?
And Justice in animals? If I step on an ant? What will happen? How is God just by giving be strength over something so helpless?"

Who do you want to reply to it, my body or my soul?
My body will say that God isn't just for allowing that man to have a "good and happy life" and would want to avenge the death, but my soul says that everything happens for a reason, if God decided to call my son's to His presence than it may mean that my son's soul is 1 step closer to God, is it that bad?

Regarding situation in Africa, my body doesn't accept such situation, but my soul says that those souls suffering all that will be 1 step closer to God if they manage to pass the test.

Justice in animals: I may sound cruel with what i'm about to say but that's how an impartial being would see the things, 1 ant's life is as important as a human's or a plant's life, to God, all life is important, for him to kill thousands of ants or thousands of humans has the same value, he wont punish none because it's each being "nature".

"What does the ‘great flood’ and ‘universe’ have to do with revelation? Did you start the flood? Did you create the universe, if not, then why compare you small brain to the infinite knowledge of God?"

I didn't created the universe, and as you say God has infinite knowledge so why he asks humans to work on His name?

"Again I give the example of learning to drive a car. Just because you see a car, does it mean you know everything about it? Yes it’s obvious that someone created the Car, but don’t we need to read the instructions to know how to drive? Better yet, don’t we get someone else to teach us along side reading the instructions!!!"

As i stated previouslly, Nature is our teacher, remember that Man leurned to use fire without any other teacher beside the physic laws of Nature, can't be too specific because i don't know much about physics.

Regarding Moses, don't you feal that a God that can't release His own people by himself but that imposes to that People to obey his laws sounds fake? Once again these kind of contradictions are the ones that make us racionalize and say that the people who wrote the "revelation" books have misunderstood some messages from
God's messengers.

God taught Adam and Adam taught his sons and etc etc.
To die all you need to be is alive? What sort of nonsense is that? Why is death part of life? Why do we not live forever? What is the purpose of spending these few years on this planet??

Who said we don't live forever? Only our bodies die not our soul. We spend some years in this world as a test for our soul to continue evolving to become one of God's angels.

"U said, “Hmmm, what about Lazarus? How sick was he?”

According to the bible, he had died. We don’t know who this Lazarus was, but we do believe Jesus brought the dead back to life, by God’s will. This was a miracle to show he was a prophet of God. Not to impress people that he can bring dead people back."

Exactly, you are reasoning now, remember that you said that "Prophet Jesus, Jews at that time had great knowledge in Medicine. They cured broken bones and the people were amazed by this. Thus, jesus's miracles revolved around healing, eg healing the blind, the leaper, etc.", how many medics have ressurected the death? Lazarus was a friend of Jesus of Nazareth :)

"But who is this ‘Nature’? where did it come from?
Some people, like Darwin, believe its ‘NATARUL’ from white people to be superior to Black. It the survival of the fittest, the process of ‘Natural selection’"

We could say that Nature is God. What some people think doesn't mean they were correct all the time, just like people always remember about the holly books being so old and needing to be updated, the same has happened with Human knowledge, somethings that were true some years ago are now lies after new discoveries by science.
Remember that only in the 20th century that kind of mentalitty started to change, but previouslly it were the religious scolars that had those positions, remember that arabs were already slaving people from black africa even before europeans arrive to Africa and they had the same idea that black people were inferior to them, finnally that mentality is almost over and people today don't see them as a different race, after all we are all humans.

"This is a reply I don’t want to address. Because of this comment, I will no longer reply to your comments. I could have easily have torn apart you believed and handed it back to you in pieces! I only wanted to help you find the truth. In no way have I attacked your belief."

The question you refer, as you may have not noticed, i refered a muslim familly belonging to Al-Qaeda (Bin Laden organization) and not a regular muslim family, guess this will help you to understand were you misinterpreted what i said, if needed, read again, :)
What matters is that some teach hate and others teach love.

"Hitler believed he was saving the world when he was cleansing it of Jews! That was his reasoning?! The Zionists believe Muslims are lower then them, so its find to invade and take their homes in Palestines!
You really wish to trust human reasoning? Bush believed what he did to Iraq was right! He used his 'reasoning' and now look, he is having people through shoes at him! and he himself admitted he made a mistake!"

So, shouldn't i feal offended when you call such monster a Deist? Are the Zionists deists or jews? Bush is christan, not a deist.

REgarding who's image was affected i would say that your image was more affected than mine, as you can see from the 2 previous comments.

lol, i don't wanna go to one of those nuts forum :)

I think it would be better if we could chat directly with each other, so we could be arguing and preventing such big posts, if you have msn messenger, please PM me and i'll add you and give you mine so we can continue our friendly discussion :).

Btw, Ayman is the muslim name choosen by me and my bride when i convert, means lucky ;)

May God bless you sisterfatima, once again thanks for such an interesting discussion :)


Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ