brother qureshi,
plz dont add my name with malabari, i already said, here a peaceful discussion going on about diesm, if u r tolerent then listen, if u r not interested, no matter that we all are interested! is'nt it plato brother???

brother nice too nice,
its true,I think Platao lost the track of his posts. Thats why contradictory statements coming from him. This is common. If one doesn't have any reference of fundamentals then he will end up in confusion. Now the problem is that whether to accept or deny Messengers, whether to accept heaven and hell or not? Is messenger is spirit? I don't know what is what and where is where???? Total confusion. This is the way one reacts when he is unable to answer questions.... I had asked some simple questions and no diest provided me any answer yet......

“God is always just, or do you mean if God is just on a Human point of view? Don't forget that He created several creatures besides Humans and his justice is equal to all His creations. Saddam Hussein is in same type of Grave as the Kurds resistants? Is God unjust as you perceive?”

still u have not answered my clear Questian, i belive in heaven and hell, so i have no need to answer it,each one is responsible for his own actions.God will credit what we did, if we are good, HE will reward, if we are bad, HE will punish,because he is just and merciful, this is simple reasoning. remember whenever u skip my Qs, more and more Qs coming to answer!

This hasn’t answered the Question. Let me give you a more serious example. Let’s say you have a son, and he is murdered by a man and then this man has a long, happy life and then finally dies and he is buried next to your son. Would you consider God to be Just?
What about famine and poverty? Have you see the children of Africa? They are so hungry that they have to drink urine of animals as water! Is this Justice? How do you explain this?
And Justice in animals? If I step on an ant? What will happen? How is God just by giving be strength over something so helpless?

“Dear Sister fatima, Remember the Big Flood? Remember who created the Universe? Do you truelly think that God needs to make revelations when he has created us with a brain that allows us to racionalize and be aware that he exists?
Regarding Moses, as far as i know from documentaries seen in the television, Moses was an assassin that was "selected" by God to free His people from the hands of the Egyptians because "God hadn't enough power to do it himself " ( not attacking any faith but just being ironic ) so, God decided to send some angels on a pious mission to kill every first born of the Egyptian citizans, than, when the army followed the people on the run, He allowed Moses to Kill the Egyptian army, that was only following their Pharaoh orders, than, as a way to thank their efforts God made the Choosen people to walk in the desert during 40 years."
How did i do with my reasoning so far?”

I don’t know which magical version you have read or seen. There is a reason why we don’t take TV as a source of info! Honestly, do you believe everything you hear? Surely someone with a mind to reason will see the foolishness in this?
What does the ‘great flood’ and ‘universe’ have to do with revelation? Did you start the flood? Did you create the universe, if not, then why compare you small brain to the infinite knowledge of God?
And who said the purpose of revelation is to prove God exists? In fact, God hardly addresses this in the Qur’aan as only a select few, how truly need help, can recognize that they are in a creation created by a Creator!
Revelation was sent to primarily turn people back to the worship of God alone and to teach them the correct way to salvation.
Again I give the example of learning to drive a car. Just because you see a car, does it mean you know everything about it? Yes it’s obvious that someone created the Car, but don’t we need to read the instructions to know how to drive? Better yet, don’t we get someone else to teach us along side reading the instructions!!!
Your story of Moses is far from what is related in both the Bible and Qur’aan (which have very similar stories!)
Moses was not an assassin, but a Jew. God sent many prophets and messengers to the Jews, but they loved to kill them and disobey them. The Jews are been caught and were being oppressed by the Egyptians, so Moses was sent as a leader for the Jews, to rescue them.
It’s like that saying, feed a poor person a meal, you feed him for a day; teach the poor person how to grow and cook his food, you feed him for a lifetime.
Ok, so he was a Jew. The Pharoah was aware that a prophet would be sent to these people (maybe because they always had prophets sent to them, or fortunetellers overhearing the angels in heavens). He decided to kill each first born. It was not God who did this and sent angels to do this. What God did was inform Moses’s mother of this plot and told her to put him in a basket and put him in the river. It turned out that the baket floated to the pharaohs palace and the Pharoah’s wife (who later became a great Muslim) loved him and told him as a son. Thus Moses was saved. Moses only drank the milk of his birth mum, so in that way, God reunited him with his mum when the pharoah’s wife (Asiyah) paid her to feed him.
Then when moses was old enough, he started seeing the injustice the Jews were going through, and he saw one jew being harassed by a solider, so he pushed the soldier and the soldier tripped and died (accidentally). Obviously this was a problem and He decided to leave (even though it was an honest accident). He left and found refuge in a village, wheren he got married and started his training to be a prophet (i.e. he became a shepherd).
Later, God spoke to him and informed him that he was to save the people and lead them to the holly land. God gave him the relevant weapons (speech, his br as a helper and miracles). Moses eventually went back and had a big encounter with the Egyptians. Evetually, he was allowed to leave with the Jews, but the pharaoh changed his mind (or had tricked him) and wanted to kill them all, but God saved Moses and the Jews and He destroyed the army and preserved the Pharoahs body for us to see today! (you can see it at the Egyptian museum)
Then, when they reached the promised land (Jerusalem), the jews refused to follows God’s command and fight the people in the land. They basically told Moses to Take God and fight those people and then when you’re done, come back and tell us and then we’ll go to the land.
They were punished for this and thus had to wonder in the desert for a long period.
That’s the main bits that you spoke about. I have missed a lot and the details of this story are so much that the Qur’aan was almost considered as some as the Story of Moses!
It’s a beautiful story and if you wish to learn the Christian version (although it has some errors) watch the cartoon, ‘Prince of Egypt’

You said, “Isn't death part of life? Afterall, to die all you need is to be alive. Who tought caveman to paint? Who tought them how to create fire? Was it their father?”

God taught Adam and Adam taught his sons and etc etc.
To die all you need to be is alive? What sort of nonsense is that? Why is death part of life? Why do we not live forever? What is the purpose of spending these few years on this planet??

U said, “Hmmm, what about Lazarus? How sick was he?”

According to the bible, he had died. We don’t know who this Lazarus was, but we do believe Jesus brought the dead back to life, by God’s will. This was a miracle to show he was a prophet of God. Not to impress people that he can bring dead people back.

“Why would he interfere? Don't you belive that God controls the forces of nature? Do you think He'll punish the sea because some humans got drowned by it's waters?
Remember the Tsunami that killed so many people in 2005?
Will you blame God for it? Couldn't he had save them?”

its 2004 december 26th and my home is just 5 Km away from the south spot of kerala where tsunami waves hit!
You tell me, why did God allow the tsunami to kill so many people? Islaam gives us explanation for these calamities. How can God not interfere? Tell me, why does your heart beat? Do you tell it to? Who do you think controls that? Who do you think removes and add your soul into your body?!

“You don't die, only your body is eaten by the worms. Is Death a punishement or just part of life? Why did Jesus die so young?”

If you don’t die, then what happens when the soul leave the body? Do you even believe in the soul?
Death has its place, but clearly you don’t know what it is.
Who said Jesus is dead?

“As far as i know it was the climateric conditions that changed the colours of the Human race, have you noticed how Nordic people look so white and people living in Equator (not the country) are so dark?”

This is common sense. But its something that doesn’t have to happen. God could have easily made everyone with skin colour that is the same and wouldn’t change.!

you said, “Again i remind you, Nature is our teacher.”

But who is this ‘Nature’? where did it come from?
Some people, like Darwin, believe its ‘NATARUL’ from white people to be superior to Black. It the survival of the fittest, the process of ‘Natural selection’

“Boy B is brainwashed from Birth that Jewish people are the animals and scum of this world. Just as we all evolved into humans, jewish evolved from monkeys and stayed that way. They worship the devil and he should go explode himself because God will reward him with 42 virgins”

This is a reply I don’t want to address. Because of this comment, I will no longer reply to your comments. I could have easily have torn apart you believed and handed it back to you in pieces! I only wanted to help you find the truth. In no way have I attacked your belief.
First of all, we don’t consider Jews as animals. Many prophets were Jews and So was JESUS! WHO WE LOVE! And many Jews did also become Muslim!
We Don’t believe in evolution
Jews are our cousins, so if they are animals, then so are we!
but the apathy of white people to black people is well known by all people, so my reasoning is social, but your reasoning is rubbish!

Worship the devil? Who does? Do you even believe in the Devil?
do u think a muslim family will taught it about others(jews) as animals?, heyy we are living together with them here in kerala, palestine muslims lost their homes, children, family even livies from 1957, if freedom struggle against oppression is terrorism, then u can call the liberty of inda, american revelution all are terrorism, but the apparthid of white people to african countries is written history, no one will deny it!, if u are dark, then only u can understand our feelings!
the same para i said about Boy B is almost a true fact in social, but u used your muff reasoning to change it with jews and muslims, i feel pity on u.its foolish to tranplant a truth about black people sorrows to jews, is diesm cheapest to answer this???
do u feel its a joke??? if u responding like a joke, u r not worth for a peaceful discussion!
if u read anything about our national father mahatma gandhi connected with south africa and nelson mandela, u will never respond like it!
because of your last lumpish post, u lost your good image as a diest here, i feel so sorry of u!

and the Qs unanswered still!

If God is so Sublime, Why would he create a machine and not give us the manual? I.e. why create us..our bodies.. or minds...and not give us some sort of guidance?

Hitler believed he was saving the world when he was cleansing it of Jews! That was his reasoning?! The Zionists believe Muslims are lower then them, so its find to invade and take their homes in Palestines!
You really wish to trust human reasoning? Bush believed what he did to Iraq was right! He used his 'reasoning' and now look, he is having people through shoes at him! and he himself admitted he made a mistake!

Do me a favour, go sit in an airplane and use your 'reasoning' to fly it. See how far you can get!! And dont say you need lessons! because if you believe you need a few lessons just to fly a tiny plane, then what about mankind! Would they not need a guide to live rightous lives?

It's ironic. You claim to be someone who uses reasoning, yet you are so blinded to the obvious fact that Islaam is the logical choice and that It's laws have great reasoning behind them!!

"Why do you believe in God? Isnt in more convinient to not believe in Him? because you never see him!Then to say He exists but Does nothing!!as brother malabari asked "What is our destination? Why walk on a path on which you dont know the destination? Is it hard to believe God can communicate with His creation through messengers and revealations? Considering He created every Atom / quark, etc (!) how difficult is..speach!
You claim you follow reason. Then why dont you ask the Hard questions? Why are we here? Why did God create us?
And how about the rules of man? Can man actually be allowed to rule with their man made rules? Is it hard for you to comprehend that God has a plan?

Would you send your children to school without telling them what needs to be done? Why not allow their ‘reasoning’ to figure out that they are at school to obey the teachers and study?!

who said the discoveries from cave man to moon fly are not manipulated or organized by GOD, all of our scientists are not diests, most of them are believers, and what about the challenge of Qur'an in science???
why scientists, professors, priests and women are embracing islam day to day, are they fools to accept a faith without any reasoning???

why is it hard to belive your TRUE GOD WHO IS ONE AND ONLY, can send messengers and revealations???

if u r a good diest, try to answer this Qs without twisting, diverting and confusing,
if u have no answer, then keep silent like brother coelacanth,

Finally, I would like to say that our conversation has reached an end. I only wish to speak to and help people who have a genuine interest in the religion. I have no spare time to waste with rude people. You seem like a person who speaks about reasoning and the mind, yet when facts are presented to you, you try brush them off with ‘smart comments’, which simply expose your lack of interest.

You speak of God and the devil and death, yet your knowledge of these are limited to what you learnt from nature or ‘television’.

Why don’t you atleast thinking about what we have said? Are you so scared that Islaam may actually be the truth? Havent you ever wondered why we are here? What things happen around us? And how?

Everything has laws and we follow them. Our countries have laws, we follow them; animals have laws, they follow them; even the planets have laws and they follow them. Have you ever fought with gravity? Why don’t you use your intellect and prove that we don’t need gravity?

In America, after the hurricane hit, look at how man turned into animal because of the lack of the law!

Everyday, like it or not, you and your body are goverened by the laws of God. The only difference is, the spiritual law (i.e Law related to our soul) is something that we have a choice in following. So you have bleed when you get cut, you have to fall when you jump, etc but you don’t have to believe in God or worship you….and this …is the Ultimate Test. What will you do with your free choice?

You find it absurd that anyone could doubt God’s creation…we find it even more absurd that you believe in God, but not His laws.

If you cannot use your intellect to reply with sensible answers and without being rude or offensive, then please do not reply. There are plenty of nutcases on the web who love to fight, you can go join them on the forum and debate with them.

Sorry if my post is too big :)

God bless you plato brother


Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ