
" and yet they both(teresa and hitler) end up in the same type of grave? Is God unjust as you preceive?"

God is always just, or do you mean if God is just on a Human point of view?
Don't forget that He created several creatures besides Humans and his justice is equal to all His creations.
Saddam Hussein is in same type of Grave as the Kurds resistants? Is God unjust as you perceive?

"plato brother, if my soul or mind is my spirit, then my reasoning for believing in uncompramised monothiesm(la ilaha illallah)and believing in messengers(like u)and revealations send by GOD are simply answered by my spirit."

You can't talk with your own spirit, only the spirits without a body can be contacted.
I didn't said i belived in revelations, i belive that the spirits are messengers of God.

"Prophet Moses, was sent to people engulfed in Magic. He went head to head against the pharoahs greatest magicians, thus God gave him miracles that made these magic tricks to be what they are..i.e. mere illusions."

Dear Sister fatima, Remember the Big Flood? Remember who created the Universe? Do you truelly think that God needs to make revelations when he has created us with a brain that allows us to racionalize and be aware that he exists?
Regarding Moses, as far as i know from documentaries seen in the television, Moses was an assassin that was "selected" by God to free His people from the hands of the Egyptians because "God hadn't enough power to do it himself " ( not attacking any faith but just being ironic ) so, God decided to send some angels on a pious mission to kill every first born of the Egyptian citizans, than, when the army followed the people on the run, He allowed Moses to Kill the Egyptian army, that was only following their Pharaoh orders, than, as a way to thank their efforts God made the Choosen people to walk in the desert during 40 years."
How did i do with my reasoning so far?

"Deism is the dogma most open to problems. Many people have different ways of reasoning and who is to say one way is right? For example, if someone finds a man is beating is wife, one man reasons out that killing this man would save this woman. This is logical. However, what about the children? do you deprive them of a father?"

Isn't death part of life? Afterall, to die all you need is to be alive. Who tought caveman to paint? Who tought them how to create fire? Was it their father?

"Prophet Jesus, Jews at that time had great knowledge in Medicine. They cured broken bones and the people were amazed by this. Thus, jesus's miracles revolved around healing, eg healing the blind, the leaper, etc."

Hmmm, what about Lazarus? How sick was he?

"What about the purpose of Life? Why would God create all this? Why go through so much trouble (although Creating this universe is very easy for God) and then leave it all alone?"

Why would he interfere? Don't you belive that God controls the forces of nature? Do you think He'll punish the sea because some humans got drowned by it's waters?
Remember the Tsunami that killed so many people in 2005?
Will you blame God for it? Couldn't he had save them?

"What happens when we die? Where is the justice? You claim God is not biased, then why let some tyrannts live long lives and some good people suffer with illness such as cancer and die young?"

You don't die, only your body is eaten by the worms. Is Death a punishement or just part of life? Why did Jesus die so young?

"Why did God create races? If He is Just, why not make us one colour? Isnt race one of the big problems in our world?"

As far as i know it was the climateric conditions that changed the colours of the Human race, have you noticed how Nordic people look so white and people living in Equator (not the country) are so dark?


Let us experiment:

Boy A and Boy B and put in two houses with two different families. One family is part of the Al-Qaeda, while the other is a Deist Family.

Boy A is from Africa and is sent to the Deist Family, while Boy B is from Israel and is sent to the Al-Qaeda family.

The Deist Family teaches Boy A that race is nothing more than colour of the skin. Just as God created different colour rocks, mountains and even animals, we are just part of this variety in creation. We wouldnt say a black rock is better then a brown one, or vice versa, so why should be descriminate with humans? The reality is that the best of us are the ones who are conscious of the existence of God and that don't try to make him belive that the same God we belive sent revelations to 1 People
and that all others must follow blindly some books supposed to be God's word.

Boy B is brainwashed from Birth that Jewish people are the animals and scum of this world. Just as we all evolved into humans, jewish evolved from monkeys and stayed that way. They worship the devil and he should go explode himself because God will reward him with 42 virgins

All his life he is taught this garbage.

Do you think this has no effect on him? What happens when Boy A meets Boy B in the future? Do you think he will use this reasoning to realise that Boy A is as human as he is?!

As you can see, everytime we answer a question another one rises up.

Remember what i said about low level spirits? Again i remind you, Nature is our teacher.

I'm really enjoying this friendly constructive argument, i just wished that more people would be able to discuss these matters as peacefully as we all have been doing, thanks a lot for not getting angry either with me or brother Coelecanth :)

Sorry if my post is too big :)

God bless you sister Fatima


Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ