The problem here in Qatar, is they give anyone a drivers license! Where I come from, you have to pass a legitamate test to be given the opportunity to get behind a wheel of a motor vehicle! Also, if you do something that is WRONG, you will PAY for it- one way or another- be it with a hefty fine or another persons foot up your ass!

what I see is the local residents driving wrecklessly. their cfhildren are free to roam about, never in a safety seat or seat belt! Completely STUPID! What the problem their children are learning from their fathers, mothers or hired drivers how to act just as wreckless as young as 2 years! For those of you who are mad, I am saying I am sorry if this offends you, truth be told- YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT.

I pray every day that I make it to and from work safely without accident or any other major issues. If in 2011, I am on my way out of Qatar and I have not had any kind of motor vehicle accident- I will thank my lord above for watching over me because this very morning I had a driver in a Chevy truck cut me off and then continue to behave like a 15 year old child behind the wheel! trying to get me to do something stupid. It was so childish and dangerous at the same time.

In all honesty, we could go round and round about this very subject, but nothing will change. It is unfortunate that some things are the way they are here in this country, but I was born into this world, I didn't make it- I'm trying to survive in it though! I will never understand it, unfortunately. If any of you get it figured out, so tell PLEASE.

only as happy as you set your mind to be!