i'll try to do so.. no.. really.. ok, i understand when you know that you have broken the rule, or at least it's not too clear whose fault is that..
but ...for instance..
You need to turn right. There is a pedestrian that crosses the road (in the allowed place!). He already passed half of the road, and now he is in front of you, completing his crossing. What you have to do? You have to stop, let the pedestrian cross the road, and complete your turn. Right? Simple. NO!!!! we don’t know HOW TO STOP AND TO WAIT!! You know what do we do?? We try to round this pedestrian from his back, and obviously we jump to the opposite lane! And accidently there are the cars on the opposite lanes (like we didn’t know that cars also driving the opposite lanes, not only the owr ones!).. and surely we hit one of the cars on the opposite lane.. but guess what?? WE BLAME ON THE pedestrian!!! HE was on our way, and we NEEDED to make a turn! So we didn't have any choice rather than rounding him!!
.. Honestly! The guy has no idea that actually he had to STOP and to WAIT! Swear to God, he never considered this option! HE NEEDED TO MOVE! That’s all what he knew..

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry