where i said less does mean right, my answer is same as u said about catholics, those who dont follow what is written in scripture is out of the faith simply. But i want to know about what is written in your scripture that i have asked a few questians, plz give me answer because i never read the things u said in bible that's why. i want verses for supporting your arguments about your doctrine. i have explained our salavation with the help of Qur'an, (its your right to belive in your faith and my right is to believe in my faith as Holy Qur'an said "your religion is yours and my religion is mine")here what i said are written in my scripture i have admitted it.and whatever i said about bible are supported by bible verses. so its your duty to admit those bible verses for supporting your dictrine. then only i can accept those are the teachings of Jesus or the word of GOD.
brother Qureshi,
i am not taking verse out of context, i have said to refer some bible verses, but still u r repeating the same and forcing me to again discuss about it.i have made a vow to solomon that i will not use "corruption' before any christian. this is what i learnt from this discussion. but i will use the word "amend" because its a truth known by all.
and about Qur'an verses, its very clear for a knowledged like u, i dont know why u r responding like that. may be u did'nt read it.
yes , believers follow holy books, Allah said about those true followers smell the fragrance of Jannah and almighty said many things about jews and christians in al baqarah, aali imran and maaeda about the mentioned 5 things and alot of other how they became disbelivers, dont u read? the qur'an verses are obvious, everyone can understand so i am stern in my answers, and whatever i said about bible is truth bibliography from bible itself, christian authentic sources, independent university papers, holy Qur'an and my countless dearest christian frnds in kerala, minnesota, chicago, tornado, tamilnadu, auckland, and moscow who i met throughout my small life. i console here that i did nothing against any faith, all those i have said here are supported by priests and scholors in open stage discussions and so many conventions i have attended. i never used "anti" sources against any belief, i have no need for it,i did'nt break or modify any sentences, so plz stop false accusations against me without reading the pure referernces which i have given from bible and Qur'an, i am not here for winning or losing a debate, still i am stern in my answers that christians are well aware about their book than YOU. if u want i will discuss, but honestly i dont like to discuss. all those i have written here for your sake only.
where i said less does mean right, my answer is same as u said about catholics, those who dont follow what is written in scripture is out of the faith simply. But i want to know about what is written in your scripture that i have asked a few questians, plz give me answer because i never read the things u said in bible that's why. i want verses for supporting your arguments about your doctrine. i have explained our salavation with the help of Qur'an, (its your right to belive in your faith and my right is to believe in my faith as Holy Qur'an said "your religion is yours and my religion is mine")here what i said are written in my scripture i have admitted it.and whatever i said about bible are supported by bible verses. so its your duty to admit those bible verses for supporting your dictrine. then only i can accept those are the teachings of Jesus or the word of GOD.
brother Qureshi,
i am not taking verse out of context, i have said to refer some bible verses, but still u r repeating the same and forcing me to again discuss about it.i have made a vow to solomon that i will not use "corruption' before any christian. this is what i learnt from this discussion. but i will use the word "amend" because its a truth known by all.
and about Qur'an verses, its very clear for a knowledged like u, i dont know why u r responding like that. may be u did'nt read it.
yes , believers follow holy books, Allah said about those true followers smell the fragrance of Jannah and almighty said many things about jews and christians in al baqarah, aali imran and maaeda about the mentioned 5 things and alot of other how they became disbelivers, dont u read? the qur'an verses are obvious, everyone can understand so i am stern in my answers, and whatever i said about bible is truth bibliography from bible itself, christian authentic sources, independent university papers, holy Qur'an and my countless dearest christian frnds in kerala, minnesota, chicago, tornado, tamilnadu, auckland, and moscow who i met throughout my small life. i console here that i did nothing against any faith, all those i have said here are supported by priests and scholors in open stage discussions and so many conventions i have attended. i never used "anti" sources against any belief, i have no need for it,i did'nt break or modify any sentences, so plz stop false accusations against me without reading the pure referernces which i have given from bible and Qur'an, i am not here for winning or losing a debate, still i am stern in my answers that christians are well aware about their book than YOU. if u want i will discuss, but honestly i dont like to discuss. all those i have written here for your sake only.