JUST READ R.S.V 1952 BIBLE, its not a media claim, its a truth known by all, may be u dont know it before, u can ask your christian frnds, no one will deny it,

do not add my name with malabari as a pair, check the posts i have entered here to answer coelacanth brother, the discussion twisted by dmighty solomon and he called your religion is not pro GOD that's why i admitted the flaws in his doctrine which he used to justfy other faiths. and plz note he did'nt deny my claims, as i said i have no need to search in web to find faults, may be u did so.

all i have learnt from the crash online course in biblical doctrate from the university of tornadao, canada, and i said my colleagues are missionaries from chicago and alberta. and a group of nuns in my class are the doubt clearing sources for me. so i belive its a truth i have learnt from authentic christian sources, i dont like "ANTI", i know there are false propogenda for evey thing. i belive Bible WAS the word of GOD. but u proved clearly your ignorance in bible books and written history. try to know Bible is not a single revealation book like qur'an. it revealed to jesus's apostles, and itself proved it amended . i have qoute 2 verses from bible and i can qoute some more. but i said i fear about my promise here.

so u questianed one holy Book's verse with practical example, and what is the logic in declining another book's facts? i wonder what is your problem here? i have given all the details and i can give some more. i think u did'nt read it or did'nt understand. plz ask a christian frnd.if u have a bible in room now, check the below verse right now and ask your christian frnd about a practical example
Numbers 31:35-40
Numbers 31:17-18

"Billions of People are following a corrupted book, knowingly."
yes they know about their book more than u, they know about king constantine, they know nicea council, they know apostle paul's gospel, they know 20 gospels which are not included in bible with the gospel of barnabas,they know The deciples of Jesus, they know catholics added a Few other writings of The history of the Roman empire and Guidlines set by the Catholic Monarch, they know Apocrypha added to the Greek version of the Septuagint were only in a general way accounted as books suitable for church reading, they know about canons they know the things very clear than you

"The Qura'anic references you have given don't mention anywhere "BIBLE IS CORRUPTED"."

brother qureshi, i have given 4 verses to cover this issue, everyone can understand it, its a simple conclusion here, plz read it once. Qur'an refuted crucification, sinless, son of GOD, trinity,and MONASTICISM.
just note todays bible supports all the 5 things mentioned above. this is the clear proof u asked.
Allah said "WE entrusted its protection in their hands
"they follow guesswork
"they did'nt kill him or crucified (Allah saved Jesus(pbh)
"dont say trinity
"they invented, WE did'nt prescribe it
"Jesus son of marry, not begotten son
the above are clear proofs u want!
did u checked below. thses are not anti christian sources, these are christian sources which our colleaguse used to study the versions of Bible. try to know bible is not unique for every christian as i said catholics have more number of books than protostants, perhaps u dont know it, ask a christian frnd about it, i am not using the word "corruption", http://www.av1611.or...
look here one simple difference in the meaning totally changed below.
Luke 24:46 (New International Version)
He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,
Luke 24:46 (Worldwide English (New Testament))
I will send you what the Father has promised to give you. So wait in the city of Jerusalem until you have been given power from God.'

""I suggest you must go for the study of really Authentic scripture to its full length not partial......""

i already said i dont need to refer "anti" as u said UNAUTHENTIC & MISLEADING SCRIPT;, i am not a person like that.

i am following the suggesion u mentioned from my 5th STD, i am curiouse to read about it, i have a degree in it from distant education now. also have different versions, different transaltion, different bible softwares, i have attended almost all open stage discussions,conventions with my fellow christian frnds here. my sources are pure christian sources and i too hate false propagation againts any faith as u mentioned.

""You are just trying to create your own conclusion by joining different topics together. As per my studies of religion.....we should not make any assumption or claim by our-selves unless & untill it is not specified in that religious book in its own words. """

i said i dont follow assumption, again plz dont make false accusation against me, i dont have any need to disparage other books, the discussion diverted to here by dmighty solomon and infact u too.i have given clear proofs from bible itself, have u read the verses from jeramiah and deutrimony i have given when u asked me first.

about polygamy i and bro nice too nice cleared, i am not taliking about this era, in the era of Qur'an revealtion, its obvious and Qur'an limited its number and ordered to marry only one if u fear. Almighty knows about the practical man u asked, that's why HE said "its very difficult to be just between them" and "if ye fear, then "ONLY ONE", brother Qureshi, your GOD ALLAH is very omnipotent and HE answered your practical example thruogh HIS book Holy Qur'an 1400 years ago.

and u are very fearless while asking about Qur'an and very cunning while asking about Bible, if u are independent u have respect both the books as well.

""You are claiming that Qura'an is telling that Believers (Mo'omenoon) believe in the Books which are corrupted.""

naudubillah, where i said?
Allah assured the protection of Qur'an in it. dont u know, and i have given 4 verses about their disbelieving, plz read Qur'an about christians and jews, Allah answered your worthy Quetians 1400 years ago, i comment u to read translation of Al baqarah and ali imran, al maaida fully in your language, Allah covered all of your doubts in HIS Holy BOOK.

brother qureshi, i am living in trivandrum kerala india in a thickly populated area of catholic christians, our neighbors and upstair and downstair flat owners all are christians, my classmates are nuns, my diploma college is a christian management, and now in my part time evening college(for engineering degree)also i have countless christian frnds, in my office, the fellow workers also christians more than hindus, there is white church just infront of my home where i can see idol worship of marry, they too follow bible, i am a da'wa worker and to invite other people is my duty as per Qur'an, i have no need to show others faults which i have learnt from themselves, here first i can hear subahi adaan and church bells, so plz dont make wrong identity against me that i am an anti christian, in this eid ul adha also, we invited them to have a warm breakfast with us after our eid prayer in stadium ground which is common for hindus, christians and muslims, and while i was studying diploma, my hostel room mate is knanaya christian sister, i used to read her bible too which also different from others bibles, we sleep and eat together and used to attend their new years eves for preaching our faiths. so the things i have learnt all are from christian belivers and their authentic books, so plz dont say i am propagating false against any faith. i have no need for it!