i am so sorry again, i just want to answer qureshi brother, after reading just leave it, i dont like to discuss about it.
am so sorry again, i just want to answer qureshi brother, after reading just leave it, i dont like to discuss about it.

brother qureshi,
i am not refering anti christainity books,i have no need for it, all i said about nicea council and king constantine are in written history, not garbage stuffs, that's why i said. and i think u have no ideas about authors of Gospels, they are written by apostles of Jesus, and i said why the mentioned 20 of books are not included may be due to unknown or assumed authors.all i have said may be new things for u but the facts are well known by christians, i am saying it because of my christian frnds in college and i have learnt all from nun sisters in class rooms. JUST READ R.S.V 1952 BIBLE, its not a media claim, its a truth known by all, may be u dont know it before, u can ask your christian frnds, no one will deny it,

ok u want Qur'an reference, sure i will give it!

Surah 5:44. It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah.s will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah.s book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.

so we see that as a test God gave to the jewish rabbis, He entrusted the protection of His book in there hands. which they failed to do.

The Glorious Quran says.

"That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-" (Quran 4:157)

Conjecture i.e Guesswork.
The above Quranic verse says that whoever differs in the matter of crucifixion and agrees that Christ (pbuh) was crucified are actually following conjecture.

brother qureshi one more evidence from the Quran

[057:027] Then WE caused Our Messengers to follow in their footsteps; and WE caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow them, and WE gave him the Gospel. And WE put compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. And MONASTICISM they INVENTED - WE did NOT prescribe it for them - for the seeking of ALLAH's pleasure; but they observed it not as it should be observed. Yet WE gave those of them, who believed, their due reward, but many of them are rebellious

Proof for monasticism in the Bible
1 Corinthians 7:1 "Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry."

i have asked a questian to my univerity collegue who is a protastant christian, my Q is below


i am copying his words without any editting, all of my christian frnds can understand it well than brother qureshi.

he(his name jacob)said:
THE HOLY SPIRIT inspired only one bible and its is not the protestant or catholic.
the The Holy bible which contains the old testments (thora , book of the prophets and sacred writings ) and the New Testment Paul and The deciples of Jesus
Later in history Catholics added a Few other writings of The history of the Roman empire and Guidlines set by the Catholic Monarch in order to fuillfill their selfish ends to rule
wohever catholics were forbided to read the Catholic Bible as they concidered it Holy and is not avaliable till recent times ,
The Bible which was complied by the early christians before the fall of jersulame was adopted by the church
later catholics grew powerful they weakened by faith fell into worldly lust fr power later catholics has added 7 extra cannon to their Bible to justifi their stand , out of fear that ppl whould know the fact of christianity faith against idols catholics prohibited , the members of the catholic church from reading the Bible , thats why even todaymost catholics themselves are unaware of a catholic bible
since the other churches were opposes to the addition of extra canon and adaption of idols into churches they were consider as protestants against the catholic church
The Bible without the extra canon came to be known as the protestant Bible
The Jewish canon, or the Hebrew Bible, was universally received, while the Apocrypha added to the Greek version of the Septuagint were only in a general way accounted as books suitable for church reading, and thus as a middle class between canonical and strictly apocryphal (pseudonymous) writings. And justly; for those books, while they have great historical value, and fill the gap between the Old Testament and the New, all originated after the cessation of prophecy, and they cannot therefore be regarded as inspired, nor are they ever cited by Christ or the apostles.

i think no more proof i have to give bcoz, the above wordz are from my protastant frnd in the doctrate course of biblical studies i have mentioned in my previous post, no one can refute because all the above facts are well known by christians.

look here one simple difference in the meaning totally changed below.

Luke 24:46 (New International Version)
He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,
Luke 24:46 (Worldwide English (New Testament))
I will send you what the Father has promised to give you. So wait in the city of Jerusalem until you have been given power from God.'

dear all brothers and sisters,i am so sorry for discussing this issue, plz leave this post, i have only aimed to answer brother qureshi,

brother qureshi, i have many more thing to qoute about this issue, but i fear that it may hurt anyone, so plz stop asking about it again and again, i would like to conclude the posts about bible as i vowed in one of my previous posts and apologized that i will not repeat it, so plz dont push me to break my promise, plz.
wasalaam brother

brother timtan,
i was answering brother qureshi and dmighty solomon in my last post, both of them have total 3 posts, so logically my post will elongate because i used to type while disconnecting the BB and after completing i used to post it, u can check all of my long posts, the reason is i cannot login from office and evening college usually. so i used to save time by login once in a day from home and free hrs.