There you go Qureshi.. SO YOU JUSTIFY THE MUMBAI ATTACKS- How do you differntiate yourself from those 10 terrorists then??.
I may have diffrnce of opinions with ma bro and sis at my home which is none of your busines who is just a neighbour. And do you think its a reason why you can enter ma home and dance there??.. your legs will be chopped in that case dude..Hope now you got why its not relevant.
Look bro- there s no point in us quarrellin here, Just wait.Patiently yeah??..cheers
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
There you go Qureshi.. SO YOU JUSTIFY THE MUMBAI ATTACKS- How do you differntiate yourself from those 10 terrorists then??.
I may have diffrnce of opinions with ma bro and sis at my home which is none of your busines who is just a neighbour. And do you think its a reason why you can enter ma home and dance there??.. your legs will be chopped in that case dude..Hope now you got why its not relevant.
Look bro- there s no point in us quarrellin here, Just wait.Patiently yeah??..cheers
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.