With all due respect, the "public parks, beaches, bars" here in Doha don't really qualify as public parks, beaches, and bars. I have no idea if you've been outside Qatar, but what exactly is the use of a public park when it is 50 degrees out most of the year and what use is the beach if you are not allowed in unless you're with a chick, and what use is a bar that is poorly ventilated with bad music and packed with prostitutes.
With all due respect, the "public parks, beaches, bars" here in Doha don't really qualify as public parks, beaches, and bars. I have no idea if you've been outside Qatar, but what exactly is the use of a public park when it is 50 degrees out most of the year and what use is the beach if you are not allowed in unless you're with a chick, and what use is a bar that is poorly ventilated with bad music and packed with prostitutes.