Coelacanth, Please do not abuse The Prophet of Almighty, It is not his mistake as he was introduced in wrong way in some books.

brother qureshi,
i have given references, its a truth u can find in google, i have partcipated so many open stage discussions, and christian friends of mine openly accpeted that the books are changed in each time, i think u are hearing it the first time. simply compare the new international Bible and NIV 1950 bible, u can find many differences in this 50 years and the past so many, simply check a proptestant bible and catholic bible, u can find differences!

and the answer of yours to coelacanth by qouting Qur'an and Bible is amazing, masha allah, jazaakallah for answering him.

and i can claim that is copy pasted just like what u said against me! but i will not say because i did'nt see u capied, so plz stop your wrong assumption that i am copy pasted, i have no need for copy pasting from here and there. i have different Bibles and softwares in room to qoute it.

brother dmighty solomon,
stop acting like an innocent, the proof is still u mention divorce, mutiple marriage against islam even after detailed answer are given by me. The one who doesn't follow the Teaching of Islam is already out of Islam. No one has to expel him. One more thing, Islam is not a society or union to expel some one. It is a way of life and the one who don't follow is already away from the system.
Qureshi, plz note, your frnd dmighty solomon is still using child marriage??? this the evidence of my claim.
and advice him to respect islam. its he who forced me to ask about the authenticity of bible, u both can read from first post all are infront u.
u asked me 6 Qs, i have answered it with pleasue, but solomon called islam "not pro-GOD", that's why i asked the authenticity of his doctrine.

just one example, divorce is not there in his doctrine does'nt mean that islam which allows divorce in a long process in extreme level and gradually decrease the situations of divorce is not pro god. the proof of its pro GOD is divorce is very less among muslims.

all the above stuffs are explained here detailly many times, and the repeating seems bashing exactly!

'''I will not argue with you about your 13 questions because even if admit you are right, it will not change the fact that''' again u keep repeating, this what i said hurting even after answering.

I will not argue with someone like you. You are not worth it. Bring it to your grave and let's just see what happened in the end.Let us just wait for the end of the word and let us know who will be saved? insha allah
and at least u accepted we honor jesus and muhammed equally? i am glad.

and brother dmighty solomon, ok i will not ask u about the authenticity of your bible, u keep belive in it, its your belif, u have the right to belive and i am not the one to force u, and i have no need for forcing as i said before, but qureshi, i have answered his questins very politely u can check, its he who said blamings repeatedly each time i answer so i want answers for the below questins(plz note, its not about corruptions and authenticity, its about plain faith in christainity, and plz note dmighty solomon trying to answer the below)

1)according to bro dmighty solomon
abraham married 2 wives against to God's will.
solomon married 100 wives against to morality.
now he will say
''Well you can always quote that Abraham and Solomon and other prophets may have many wives, but that is during their time. When God issued other decrees concerning His latest people, you have to abide by it.''

brother dmightysolomon, if i did'nt accpet the above answer of yours(like what u did againts islam), wat will u do to justify their marriages???
and why u can't accept your own words when it comes to islam???

2)Show me where Jesus Or God says to MARRY ONLY ONE in the bible???
!Qur'an is the only religious scripture in the world that says 'marry only one'

3)and plz give me a bible verse for supporting your below statement
""let a separated man remains separated and can never marry again unless the spouse dies (and so the ties that bonded the marriage is already broken) and the living person can marry again.""
(i am asking this Q 6th time!!!)

4)u preached a lot about MORAL VALUES, plz read the below bible verses
I CAN’T TELL IT, read it by yourself
Numbers 31:35-40
Numbers 31:17-18

5)I am amazed that u allows seperation in 'extreme' circumstances (even though it's againts God's will!), yet doesnt allow re-marry? Why? Why is it so sinful to remarry?

6)Pork is forbidden in the Bible:

7 and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New King James Version)]

7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New International Version)]

Jesus, it was VERY clear that he WASNT here to CHANGE the LAW of MOSES (peace be upon him)!

“17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” [Matthew 5:17-18 (New International Version)]

plz give me a reference for your below statement.i dont know how many time i have to ask this Q.

The pork issue as well as circumcision issue was already abolished or have been adapted to the Christian era. But the non-eating of blood was still a commandment in the Christian era so we don't eat it. As for pork, it was not mentioned in the three item not to be consumed, i.e blood, hanged animals and foods offered to idols.

brother qureshi, he asked me 6Qs, we have answered it, and now i am asking the above 6 Qs, u will be a good moderator between us, and please note he is answering or not, its your duty to advice him to answer, if can't answer us also no problem because we are not hypocrites and prejudists to blame other faiths repeatedly!!!(even after good answers are given)

and i am openly apologize here for saying that bible is curropt, i am so sorry for mentioning the fact in my posts more than once and i am aware about that it might be hurted my fellow christian friends and i will not repeat it insha allah.

(and the equal responsibility of currption mentioning is goes to brother dmighty solomon for provocking me and forcing me.) as a muslim i must not be provocked when someone said something, so i feel very guilty for wasting my valuable time with dmighty solomon brother, na udubillah!

i will be offline for somedayz to leave home for eid holydayz, eid mubarak!