since it meant to be, it might happen anywhere any time..
I would never forget how one guy got instantly killed by the piece of ice which fell down from the roof of the high building.. it was a crowded busy street, there were a lot of people around, it was late spring, by that time shouldn’t be any ice left on the roofs, and anyway the roofs get cleaned.. but it did happen. A huge piece of ice fell down right on the guy’s head, not in front of him, not behind him, not even on his shoulder or so.. right in the middle of his head, instantly killing him.. later they figure out that this guy came to this town last night for 2 days of his vacation..can you imagine, to go all this way to another city to get killed this way.. here you do.. tell me it was not meant to be…

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry