first of all brother pierrot,
May GOD Almighty Bless you and your Family, May HE grant HIS great rewardz and higher distinctions in here and hereafter, aameen

brother Qureshi,
still u are advising me and not advising your frnd solomon???
we are well aware about everybody thinks that his religion is superior than any other religions, as they think about their's.
plz check who insulted our faith and advice him to give and take respect.OK

brother coelacanth,
u can interpret that book that way because its corrupted, so how can u believe the thing about a great Man from a curropted book?
if its divine u cannot interpret that false abuse.

God created Adam without father and mother, is it hard to believe about Jesus???
it might be a miracle from GOD, is it hard to belive GOD can do miracles???
your have'nt answered my QS below
how can a liar influence in 500 million people in the world???
jesus(pbh) is accepted by christians and muslims, the major 2 followers of the world.
so he might be a mighty messenger from GOD

why can't u accept the challenge of Holy Qur'an??
any reasoning behind it???

brother timtan,and nice to nice
divorce is allowed in budhism.