thank u nice to nice, jazaakallahu khyrun kaseera dear brother
exactly, this is the answer u want The one who doesn't follow the Teaching of Islam is already out of Islam. No one has to expel him. One more thing, Islam is not a society or union to expel some one. It is a way of life and the one who don't follow is already away from the system.
and brother dmighty i am qouting your words here You don't understand how God works,... ...
the above cover all of your unnecessary doubts
now let us review what was happend here.
'''If you honestly believe in Jesus, you will obey His teachings.'''
we are obeying God's teachings from HIS divine word.the orginal post of malabari is a testimonial that we follow jesus more than christians.
i did'nt say polygamy is haram in islam, "more than one" is not an instruction that means not a compulsory thing because it based on the circumstances (if anyone miss use it doesn't mean than its sactioned by GOD). and i explained about the era which the revealation of Qur'an occured. at that time polygamy is widely practised by all.
but "marry only one" is a command and i have given two verses about it, plz check.(if u want to repeat it, i will)
Divorce is allowed in islam, i have explained all about it, repeating seems that u did'nt read it, plz read.(if u want to repeat it, i will)if some one did divorce at a wink of an eye does'nt mean that its the fault of our religion, and if anyone did against to the teaching of islam, he is punished well by Allah,
i explained well here and admitted why divorce is very very less among muslims when comparing to other religions. the reason is islam have a well explained method to reduce divorce.
we belive Qur'an is the true word of GOD and its perfectly preserved without a change in a single dot from the date of revealation to today , if the above things are not mentioned in your doctrine does'nt mean its not pro GOD. we have 2 million innocent truth seekers all over the world, most of them are scientists, professors, highly qualified students, and women.
if its against to morality, they will not embrace it.
because here no "brain washing".
all of them accpeted by fresh minded reading and comparative studies.
i did'nt blame your doctrine, because i did'nt read about it(but i read bible alot from my childhood), u keep follow your teachings as you belive(even if u did'nt answer my Qs), islam does'nt need doubters like u.
Qur'an nowhere tells to marry child, so your repeating claim child marriage is nonsence!
as plato said its a cultural practice u can see among non muslims also. if some muslims practice child marriage has no connection with islam. and islam doen't forbidd it and does'nt allow it.
let them to practice their culture if its not against to our faith.
and about coelacanth's comment u asked, sorry for the delay, i can login here only after my works all finished.
now this is my time, dmighty solomon brother, u know that coelacanth brother asked so many Quries against islam too, we answered it with pleasure, and i am glad that he is not a hypocrite because when the truth comes infront of him, he wished to read Qur'an, but u r not like him, i have answered your bashings so many time here, but i feel u did'nt even read my posts and go on with endless harassings.
we love Jesus as we love our prophet muhammed, coelacanth is speaking about the verse in Bible, its your duty to answer him because we believe human hands worked behind bible to destroy its divinity and we are busy here with answering your non stop attacks.
and brother coelacanth, please dont use bad words against a holy prophet, if u have no belief in it, ask dmightysolomon reasoning questians like what u did to brother malabari, but i am sure u will not get answers from dmighty solomon because he is busy in repeating same Questians against islam even after good answers are given.
Qureshi brother regarding your 4th Q
u have to read about the gospels and its authors.
just look at google.
Can anyone quote Leviticus verse regarding pork... ...
Pork is forbidden in the Bible:
7 and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New King James Version)]
7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New International Version)]
Jesus, it was VERY clear that he WASNT here to CHANGE the LAW of MOSES (peace be upon him)!
“17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” [Matthew 5:17-18 (New International Version)]
thank u nice to nice, jazaakallahu khyrun kaseera dear brother
exactly, this is the answer u want
The one who doesn't follow the Teaching of Islam is already out of Islam. No one has to expel him. One more thing, Islam is not a society or union to expel some one. It is a way of life and the one who don't follow is already away from the system.
and brother dmighty i am qouting your words here
You don't understand how God works,... ...
the above cover all of your unnecessary doubts
now let us review what was happend here.
'''If you honestly believe in Jesus, you will obey His teachings.'''
we are obeying God's teachings from HIS divine word.the orginal post of malabari is a testimonial that we follow jesus more than christians.
i did'nt say polygamy is haram in islam, "more than one" is not an instruction that means not a compulsory thing because it based on the circumstances (if anyone miss use it doesn't mean than its sactioned by GOD). and i explained about the era which the revealation of Qur'an occured. at that time polygamy is widely practised by all.
but "marry only one" is a command and i have given two verses about it, plz check.(if u want to repeat it, i will)
Divorce is allowed in islam, i have explained all about it, repeating seems that u did'nt read it, plz read.(if u want to repeat it, i will)if some one did divorce at a wink of an eye does'nt mean that its the fault of our religion, and if anyone did against to the teaching of islam, he is punished well by Allah,
i explained well here and admitted why divorce is very very less among muslims when comparing to other religions. the reason is islam have a well explained method to reduce divorce.
we belive Qur'an is the true word of GOD and its perfectly preserved without a change in a single dot from the date of revealation to today , if the above things are not mentioned in your doctrine does'nt mean its not pro GOD. we have 2 million innocent truth seekers all over the world, most of them are scientists, professors, highly qualified students, and women.
if its against to morality, they will not embrace it.
because here no "brain washing".
all of them accpeted by fresh minded reading and comparative studies.
i did'nt blame your doctrine, because i did'nt read about it(but i read bible alot from my childhood), u keep follow your teachings as you belive(even if u did'nt answer my Qs), islam does'nt need doubters like u.
Qur'an nowhere tells to marry child, so your repeating claim child marriage is nonsence!
as plato said its a cultural practice u can see among non muslims also. if some muslims practice child marriage has no connection with islam. and islam doen't forbidd it and does'nt allow it.
let them to practice their culture if its not against to our faith.
and about coelacanth's comment u asked, sorry for the delay, i can login here only after my works all finished.
now this is my time, dmighty solomon brother, u know that coelacanth brother asked so many Quries against islam too, we answered it with pleasure, and i am glad that he is not a hypocrite because when the truth comes infront of him, he wished to read Qur'an, but u r not like him, i have answered your bashings so many time here, but i feel u did'nt even read my posts and go on with endless harassings.
we love Jesus as we love our prophet muhammed, coelacanth is speaking about the verse in Bible, its your duty to answer him because we believe human hands worked behind bible to destroy its divinity and we are busy here with answering your non stop attacks.
and brother coelacanth, please dont use bad words against a holy prophet, if u have no belief in it, ask dmightysolomon reasoning questians like what u did to brother malabari, but i am sure u will not get answers from dmighty solomon because he is busy in repeating same Questians against islam even after good answers are given.
Qureshi brother regarding your 4th Q
u have to read about the gospels and its authors.
just look at google.
Can anyone quote Leviticus verse regarding pork... ...
Pork is forbidden in the Bible:
7 and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New King James Version)]
7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. [Leviticus 11:7-8 (New International Version)]
Jesus, it was VERY clear that he WASNT here to CHANGE the LAW of MOSES (peace be upon him)!
“17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” [Matthew 5:17-18 (New International Version)]