It is well documented that teenage pregnancy rates are lower in countries where sexual education is taught from a young age. In these countries, the average age of first intercourse is generally higher than it is in countries where the message is that sex itself is negative.

I feel that the apparently oversexualized cultures often have an underlying attitude to sex that is oddly prudish, or unable to communicate honestly and directly about human sexuality and its myriad expressions. Many examples of this commercial sexuality are very aggressive and misogynistic. Something else going on there...?

Anyway. I believe that easy availability of contraception, morning after pill, and in case of unwanted pregancy, abortion, is always a good thing.

However, letting a child of 12 experience drug-induced abortion at home is insane!! Adults do it, fine, but surely a child would need medical supervision?

No 12-year-old is old enough to have sex, even though they sure have sexual feelings. I think only a profoundly neglected 12-year-old with no feeling of security in her life would crave attention so much as to become vulnerable to someone wishing to take advantage of her.

Older teenagers - some will start earlier than others, but all should have access to contraception and the self-respect not to do anything with it if they don't feel ready - and that's where their whole upbringing comes in.