Uk Eng, thanks for rebukeing the bad language earlier by the way.
I get jossled , and jumped infront of all the time . Ive lived in the Middle East for 15 years and also asia,its normal behaviour for a lot of people to do like that. However,,,,I dont accept it , nor do I get angry. If somebody is pushing into me from behind ,or even actually pushing me by their hands I always turn to them , put on my kindly father face , hold up a hand palm to the offender but never touching and tell them gently "back up", the offender ALWAYS says sorry and maintains a distance . As for somebody plonking Items infront of me when I am patiently waiting ,, I have no problem picking up the items moving them back and again , tell the offender "Im waiting also ".
I know I cant re educate these people ,screaming and shouting will never help . Just try to rise above this and direct your valuable energy to more productive uses.