the answers are very simple


do u know about men having more than 20 wives, u can see it in deep tribals of african countries not in the name of islam, but in the name of a cultural practice.

polygamy is practiced widely during that time. Qur'an limited its number for caring widows and orphan due to the tribal wars.As Qur'an is consistant(unlike bible), the 'marry one' command is widely practising now.

according to bro dmighty solomon
abraham married 2 wives against to God's will.
solomon married 100 wives against to morality.

now he will say
''Well you can always quote that Abraham and Solomon and other prophets may have many wives, but that is during their time. When God issued other decrees concerning His latest people, you have to abide by it.''

and i wonder why he cannot accept his own words when it comes to islam? may be due to his hypocracy!

'''do you have anybody in your family or in your close friend circle who has more than one wife......if yes, then what about his family life??????'''

be honest,my parents have more than 5 siblings and grand parenst have more than 13 siblings, in our big family, no one practiced polygamy, that's why i said its very less among muslims

and about the feelings of wives u asked,
allah is well aware about it, that why HE said

but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, (with them), then only one' [Al-Qur'an 4:3]

this is what most of the muslims doing.

then God says
'It is very difficult to be just and fair between women'. [Al-Qur'an (4:129)]
so its not against to morality and commandments.

Show me where Jesus Or God says to MARRY ONLY ONE in the bible!Qur'an is the only religious scripture in the world that says 'marry only one' Qur'an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase 'marry only one'. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife.


according to hadeeds, in the permitted things, divorce is the worst thing to GOD.

Islaam allows divorce as a LAST resort and this divorce is in a lengthy process of waiting periods. You don’t simply just say 'divorce' and it happens. Many things need to be considered first.but is allowed when things are too bad to work out. If you read about divorce, you will see that there are stages and even inbetween those stages, there are chances for the couple to get back together.

that's why i said, if u refer in wikipedia rates or encyclopedia rates, the world divorce rate is very less among muslims, this again proves my point, islam is pro-GOD.

and plz give me a bible verse for supporting your below statement
""let a separated man remains separated and can never marry again unless the spouse dies (and so the ties that bonded the marriage is already broken) and the living person can marry again.""
(i am asking this Q 4th time!!!)

I am amazed that u allows seperation in 'extreme' circumstances (even though it's againts God's will!), yet doesnt allow re-marry? Why? Why is it so sinful to remarry?

and again u have any doubt about it, my clear answer is
When God issued other decrees concerning His latest people, you have to abide by it

u r justifying divorce on the basis of your bible, i said its not authentic and trustworthy, u respond nothing against it! so your allegations are illogical and utter rubbish.

3. Child marriage

Qur'an or hadeed nowhere tell to marry child, so no missinterpretation there.
in my class, hindu sisters get married before muslims.
and plato answered it well that
that's a cultural matter and not religious, in Europe, some centuries ago, it would happen just the same.

'''Do you have any reference of such claim or blame that other religion are amended or changed...........'''

Deuteronomy 4:2 clearly declares that the Bible is corrupt!
that is human hands worked behind it to destroy its divinity.

'''why did you use references from Bible......'''
because i am reading bible from my age 10, also have different bibles in home, if i did'nt use references before solomon brother, i can't stand infront of him to prove my claims.

'''Please give me logical reasoning and do not resort to other thing. I told you, I practice all those things Bro Malabri mentioned in his original posts, except the pork issue which I would gladly discussed once I checked the verses mentioned. But let us concentrate in two or three things, divorce, multi-marriage and child marriage.'''

brother malabari already given logical reasoning for divorce, dont u see?, brother malabari kindly re post it!

'''You mind your business regarding proving the practice of "divorce" and "multi-marriage" in Islam, Are these practices pro- or against God basic commandments.'''

dear all brothers, i have answered all those here well, now note him that he answered my below Questians

1)Are these the word of God?
do christians consider the books that i am listing below to be the word of God? if no then please explain why are thy not the word of God.

These books are also attributed to prophets or disciples (ofcourse there is no strong evidence, but then the books in the Bible are no better)

The Book of Adam and Eve
Book of Jubilees
Book of Enoch
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Proto-Gospel of James
The Gnostic Scriptures of Nag Hammadi
The Gospel of Mary
The Gospel of Nicodemus
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Second Apocalypse of Peter
The Testament of Solomon
The Zohar (The Book of Splendor)
The Alphabet of Ben-Sira
Joseph and Aseneth
The Septuagint
Bel and the Dragon
The Acts of Peter
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
Mar Saba letter and The Secret Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Judas

2) how can you claim to be following the true teachings of Jesus? Do you know about constantine and Nicea?

3)how can u say your bible is the only one trustworthy source?. The authors are unknown (according to biblical scholars- also see the encylopeadia britannica!) and it contains contradictions and scientific errors.

4)can u give an assurance that your bible is perfectly preserved from the first revealation of Jesus(the real Gospel called injeel)to 2008 december 2???

and about the contradictions u asked, i will admit 101 insha allah.
but before, i want answers for the above 4.
if i did'nt satisfy with your answers, i will ask the same Qs repeatedly, insha allah till my last breath.

i am sure u will deliberately avoid or carefully ignore my above 4 Qs.
but i will not stop asking until i get answers
and i will not answer your Qs until i get answers for 101 contradictins, insha allah