I had heard the problem with the low blood supply is with Hamad Hospital itself and all the road works outside. On-top of this the actual building for the blood donating is quite obscure and not many people at Hamad know where to direct you (got this from someone on my compound who donated blood over the w/end).
I believe O- is the universal donor (not both O's).
However can we have a Medical professional clarify and also an update on the person who was critically ill, thanks
I had heard the problem with the low blood supply is with Hamad Hospital itself and all the road works outside. On-top of this the actual building for the blood donating is quite obscure and not many people at Hamad know where to direct you (got this from someone on my compound who donated blood over the w/end).
I believe O- is the universal donor (not both O's).
However can we have a Medical professional clarify and also an update on the person who was critically ill, thanks