It is naive to think that the USA is immuned from impoverished conditions. There has always been a hunger issue and things are getting worse with the slow economy. With GM (General Motors) looking to file bankrupy, along with other companies that are in financial crisis, the hunger situation will only get worse. When these large companies have to lay-off thousands of employees, the number of homeless and hungry families will increase.
In addition, there are some families that are just a pay check away from homelessness. Since the economy is in such turmoil, there are people that have generously contributed in the past, but find themselves being cautious about THEIR personal finances. Thus, monetary and food contributions are low.
You could only find one of the hundreds of organizations that are pleading for contributions?
It is naive to think that the USA is immuned from impoverished conditions. There has always been a hunger issue and things are getting worse with the slow economy. With GM (General Motors) looking to file bankrupy, along with other companies that are in financial crisis, the hunger situation will only get worse. When these large companies have to lay-off thousands of employees, the number of homeless and hungry families will increase.
In addition, there are some families that are just a pay check away from homelessness. Since the economy is in such turmoil, there are people that have generously contributed in the past, but find themselves being cautious about THEIR personal finances. Thus, monetary and food contributions are low.
You could only find one of the hundreds of organizations that are pleading for contributions?