again u proved ur hypocracy!

1)still u r hanging in multiple marriage and divorce
i have answered it in good english!!!

When God issued other decrees concerning His latest people, you have to abide by it

the above is your owm words, dont u see it?
when i asked about the polygamy in Bible, u said that.
and marry one command we can find only in Qur'an, so its not against to the 10 commandments.

I am amazed that u allows seperation in 'extreme' circumstances (even though it's againts God's will!), yet doesnt allow re-marry? Why? Why is it so sinful to remarry? does u even know what adultery means?

ok i think u will repeat the same thing again,
look here
The report of the ‘Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam’, published in 1975 mentions on
page numbers 66 and 67 that
the percentage of polygamous marriages between the years 1951 and 1961 was
the polygamy found in muslims is very less than the major religions!!!

and open your eyes when the truth comes infront of u.
atleast u accepted its not compulsory in islam, alhamdulillah i am glad to teach a hypocrite!

about divorce, i explained it with bible and qur'an brother malabari answered it with reasoning and logic!

if u refer in wikipedia rates or encyclopedia rates, the world divorce rate is very less among muslims, this again proves my point, islam is pro-GOD.

now u will say they r not true christians!

(if ur claim is true that u did'nt produced a proof link or evidence site before us)thus i can also say, torturing muslims, terrorsist, one who marry non-beliver are also not true muslims

when i asked about the legalised prostitution and divorce at wink of an eye in christian countries,killing innocent civilians in iraq and afganistan, u said they are not true christians,

now i have to ask u the same words

Was that the teachings of christainity? I know not, but in practice, very contradictory, indeed. And that's where the additional thinking should be done by TRUE CHRISTIANS LIKE YOU. Why can't U put in practice what U preach?The truthfulness of a religion is are you practicing the good values it teaches? Or you just pray and pray and never mind the condition of other? Where is compassion? Where is justice?


'''Maybe small in number but again, it is happening and a reality.'''

ok after all u accepted its very small in number, alhamdulillah i am glad to teach an utter hypocrite who repeated his claims unnecessarly without giving a proof verse or a single hadeed!!!

and about practicing their faith in another countries, i have to tell u 2 facts

1)when i selected from campus placement to CSC(Computer science corporation India limited in Noida, Delhi, their minneapolice branch in USA refused my recruitment only for the reason that i observed proper hijab and veil, we can also Questian them why. when i asked why, i lost my working seat in Hyd branch.!!!
2)my eldest brother who is a BSC Nurse lost his recruitment in Swiss only for the reason that he have a sunnah beard!!!

wrong men are everwhere!
do not blame a faith for its minority wrong followers.

i know philippino-arab-indian unity in soudi very of my brother is working there in a reffuted company which have common acommodation and pick up van.
also i have many female christian friends there working in batha riyadh, jeddah, damam and jordan border as IT professionals and nurses, i never had heard the "torturing" u claim!
As for America, everyone in the WHOLE WORLD, is well aware of what crap they do in 'Gauntanomo'

'''Study us in the Philippines so you may know who we are. What kind of people we are and how are we regarded by many nations. '''

a good country u claim, the crime statictics of philippine is here
i have given it to show that not everysoul in the earth are Good even they belongs to islam or christainity! like adolf hitler and great mother tersa, both r human

'''As to your claim of completeness of Islam, you have not heard about us!'''
now GOD made clear for us about your hypocracy repeating claims without giving proofs and not ready to understand a truth even it comes infront of u!!!

'''Bro Malabari won't like it, the way you responded.'''

'''Another funny thing, the first people wore clothes, OMG, where did you learned that? Study your Quran again, Sister! '''

u first read your bible ok?
i am reading bible from my 5th standard, that's why i am able to qoute verses against your falsehood!

. Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves into an apron (Genesis 3:7). The Hebrew word for the garment is chargorah,

i respect your age and country, dont be a silly man while answering!

i said many points about veiling.
and i am glad that u can touch only this point regarding my answer, WELL BROTHER
thank u.

another funniest thing is below
'''Bible is pure. If you find contradictions, it maybe on the translation.'''

sir, i am speaking about the bible in aramic and suriyani, the translation contains contraditions(u accepted .lolz)means its source also full of errors and curroptions and this is the main FLAW in your doctrine!!

now i am taking your challenge

''' If you can find any SINGLE flaw in our doctrine, I would be glad to "convert" to Islam.'''

how can u say your bible is the only one trustworthy source?. The authors are unknown (according to biblical scholars- also see the encylopeadia britannica!) and it contains contradictions and scientific errors.
can u give an assurance that your bible is perfectly preserved from the first revealation of Jesus(the real Gospel called injeel)to 2008 saturday, november 29???

and if u r a true christian, ever u fasted in your life without drinking a single drop of water like jesus, moses???

we muslims doing it every year, the month of ramadan and countless voluntary dayz!!!

ever u prayed in prostration(touching head on the ground, sujood in islam like all prophets including jesus)???

we muslims doing it everyday 5 times!!!

ever u took ablution before prayer like jesus???

we muslims doing it everyday before every prayer volundary or obligatory!!!

ever u greeted your fellow christian brothers "shalom walekum" like jesus???

we muslims doing it whenver we saw our fellow brothers!!!
assalamu alaikum

we never eat pork and alcoholic drinks showing that we are the true christians!!!
what about bank interests?
about veiling, i just say we follow our mother marry who and her fellow women covered their head and sometimes face!!!
8th day jesus circumcised, we muslims are the only people in the world who follow all the above.

and plz give me a bible verse for supporting your below statement
""let a separated man remains separated and can never marry again unless the spouse dies (and so the ties that bonded the marriage is already broken) and the living person can marry again.""
Show me where Jesus Or God says to MARRY ONLY ONE in the bible!

i think u people following the marry one command in Qur'an, well brother

as per malabari bro asked
Are these the word of God?
do christians consider the books that i am listing below to be the word of God? if no then please explain why are thy not the word of God.

These books are also attributed to prophets or disciples (ofcourse there is no strong evidence, but then the books in the Bible are no better)

The Book of Adam and Eve
Book of Jubilees
Book of Enoch
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Proto-Gospel of James
The Gnostic Scriptures of Nag Hammadi
The Gospel of Mary
The Gospel of Nicodemus
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Second Apocalypse of Peter
The Testament of Solomon
The Zohar (The Book of Splendor)
The Alphabet of Ben-Sira
Joseph and Aseneth
The Septuagint
Bel and the Dragon
The Acts of Peter
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
Mar Saba letter and The Secret Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Judas

The only so called monogomous people were the romans, yet they had many concubines, so in reality, they were 'married adulters' And since christianity has more or less changed its ways to make the romans (men in skirts) happy, how can you claim to be following the true teachings of Jesus? Do you know about constantine and Nicea?