You are right, tallg, there are two issues here. We would all agree that dressing conservatively is the wiser choice. But I would be VERY uncomfortable being approached by a stranger who "said" he was a police officer but offered no ID and did not wear a uniform who wanted to take me somewhere in order to make personal comments about my attire and behavior. If I had my wits about me at that point I think I'd insist on a uniformed woman police officer being called.
You are right, tallg, there are two issues here. We would all agree that dressing conservatively is the wiser choice. But I would be VERY uncomfortable being approached by a stranger who "said" he was a police officer but offered no ID and did not wear a uniform who wanted to take me somewhere in order to make personal comments about my attire and behavior. If I had my wits about me at that point I think I'd insist on a uniformed woman police officer being called.