Qur'an is the word of GOD, it can be proved through basic scientific accuracies, prophesises and perfection in linguistics. if we study this facts with bible, i am sorry, u cannot say bible is pro-GOD. i am saying it only because that i found u have doubts in the divinity of our noble qur'an, its holy and glorious.

be honest, i read bible alot and find many contradictins, errors and curroptions, i can admit all those here, but i dont want it because i respect my chrisitian brothers, i will not hurt them.

if u taked it as challenge, i am ready to discuss, but amoud sis and pierrot bro, and others feel it widen the gap, that's why i am speaking very polite as i can.

your reply tells that u did'nt read my posts well
ok patiently read below facts.

1)in the permitted things, divorce is the worst thing to GOD.

Islaam allows divorce as a LAST resort and this divorce is in a lengthy process of waiting periods. You don’t simply just say 'divorce' and it happens. Many things need to be considered first.
that's why i said, if u refer in wikipedia rates or encyclopedia rates, the world divorce rate is very less among muslims, this again proves my point, islam is pro-GOD.

2)Divorce in the Bible
Bible contradicts itself:

First Jesus claims he wont change a letter in the Law:

“17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen , will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” [Matthew 5:17-18 (New International Version)]

Then it says Moses did allow divorce, but Jesus thinks it shouldn’t be done anymore:

8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." [Matthew 19 (New International Version)]

So, according to Jesus, It is permissible to divorce in certain circumstances, like:

1. Adultery

2. The people have hard hearts

But why do divorce if your partner commits adultery? Why is it ok then?

As for your claim: " In a wink of an eye, they can change partners "

I don’t know which 'wink of an eye' you are referring to. Perhaps you shouldn't believe everything you hear. Tell me, can you show me where it says in the Qur'aan that you can divorce women like that?

Human beings aren’t perfect and they cant see the future. It can happen that you marry someone you believe is good, but prooves to be bad in the future, so what are you do to? Be unhappy and upset all the time? What if he is some1 how beats his wife or rapes her? You think this is fine??!

As for your claims: unhappy marriage God's fault? If marriage unsuccessful, was God to be blamed?

Why don’t you give us your perspective. Are you going to be naive and claim there are no marriages that have gone horribly wrong??

All happiness and sadness is from God. But, unlike the bible, we have been given clear answers.

So you see, we consider divorce a way of coming out of a bad relationship, and in the end, we believe it all happens for a reason.

After all....doesn’t God work in mysterious ways!?!!!

3)""why is it that a Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman but not the other way around.""

its a wrong assumption,
who said this to u, produce the proof verse behind this claim!
if u cannot give, do not repeat this kind of wrong allegations

4)and u have a misunderstand that polygamy is compulsory in islam, its again wrong assumption!

as u said ""Well you can always quote that Abraham and Solomon and other prophets may have many wives, but that is during their time. When God issued other decrees concerning His latest people, you have to abide by it.""

at that time, due to wars, most of the men destroyed, the number of believers who passed away is very huge, that's why God decrees for the protection widows and orphans, marry more than one and also God issued His decrees that
but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, (with them), then only one' [Al-Qur'an 4:3]

then God says
'It is very difficult to be just and fair between women'. [Al-Qur'an (4:129)]
so the condtion is only for whome who deals with justly.

and however "marry one" command we can find only in Qur'an.

so i admire how it is against to the Ten Commandments!

and plz give me a bible verse for supporting your below statement

""let a separated man remains separated and can never marry again unless the spouse dies (and so the ties that bonded the marriage is already broken) and the living person can marry again.""

and as u r saying u r not a catholic, so u want answers according to your views, insha allah, i will give answers according to your beliefs after some reading because time is a big crisis for me as a computer programmer.

and its funny to read your posts seems that "catholics are not true christians"
here besides me, my fellow sisters and neighbors are catholics, i fear they may laugh or slap, lolzzz

so u r true christian(glad to see a true christian, masha allah)DO YOU OBSERVE THE ABOVE FACTS MENTIONED BY MALABARI BRO IN THIS FORUM???, IF NO, WE MUSLIMS ARE THE TRUE CHRISTIANS!!! is'nt it?

according to me, who follow christ(pbuh) is christians as jesus said follow the commandments, not mearly a belif, i can qoute verse for my above statement, also i can clear the facts about salvation according to qur'an and bible, and i can clear the things son of GOD, sinless, crucification, etc

but i fear the gap may widen, that's why i keep silence!

the third quiestian of u answered by malabari bro in a long post, really that post is very informative for me
jazaana wa iyyakum malabari bro

thus mohammed(pbuh)is our final messenger, u cannot deny it. as a truth cannot be refuted.

and the rest 3 easy questians , i will answer tomorrow, insha allah, because today i spent a lot in QL, :)