At least the whole of the nation is in shocked by this lastest act of evil by a sicko loner..
What we gonna do about it. This is another case of abuse merging from our country just when we were coming to terms of the news of Baby P , no we have this..
Prime Minister has already ordered an inquiry to see why did our social and health networks not pick this up..
I think our society needs to rise again and promote the good values of family and morals, which are being eroded in the name of modernisation and political correctness.
The greatness of a nation is determine by not hidding the facts, but how you deal with them..Just because you do not hear or see it yourself does no way mean that it is not happening..
At least the whole of the nation is in shocked by this lastest act of evil by a sicko loner..
What we gonna do about it. This is another case of abuse merging from our country just when we were coming to terms of the news of Baby P , no we have this..
Prime Minister has already ordered an inquiry to see why did our social and health networks not pick this up..
I think our society needs to rise again and promote the good values of family and morals, which are being eroded in the name of modernisation and political correctness.
The greatness of a nation is determine by not hidding the facts, but how you deal with them..Just because you do not hear or see it yourself does no way mean that it is not happening..