wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu wa magfirat hu wa aafyat hu wa barakallahu feekum

dmightysoon bro, i will answer all of your qusetians one by one today or tomorrow insha allah, sure, i will, its my pleasure. and its vey easy!

sorry for the delay, its a busiest tuesday and i am now in india so its funny that my posts are appearing 2:30 hrs earlier than the local time here.

dear brothers pierrot and colecanth,

i am very much pleased to read your reply post that both of u willing to read the book which i am reading everyday. hearty masha allah

and coelacanth bro, i am taking your commend
" i challenge u to refer all those the writings in Qu'ran with those of science discoveries", then i will give some more verses to prove its divinity!

if i won in this challenge, R U READY TO BREAK YOUR VOW THAT that i will never again join any form of revealed religion????:P

and I am much satisfied that I spent 2 hrs before my pc for preparing that post in a word document.be honest, a non muslim fellow sister’s research report helped me a lot while composing and I did’nt cover all points here,but touched some best points only, and alhamdulillah(praise the LORD) my valubale time not wasted.

my hometown is in the capital city, trivandrum, south kerala india. here in our Qur'an classes, we have a number of non muslims and new muslims who wish to read Qur'an,
but they have no time to sit before an arabic teacher to learn Qur'an, so we taught them first letters and reading, writing ability. then if they wish, we will continue, if no, we recommend 3 things.

1)translation of a Holy Qur'an along with a Qur'an copy.

download holy qur'an in your language free(any language including arab)

u can acquire pure qur'an copy from muslim friends because the Qur'an in my home shelf and the first Qur'an copy of usman in egypt libraby are almost same, amazingly, that's why we are saying its perfectly protected and preserved even in the case of a single letter.

Verily, We Ourselves have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian, (Al-Hijr, 15:10)

This verse of the Holy Quran promises that its text has been safe-guarded in its original form by a divine plan for all times to come.





for both of u brothers, i recommend

THE HOLY QUR'AN, Text-Translation-Commentary of A Yousuf Ali. (becoz he is my hero in tarjjuma)


the above site give translation of yousuf ali only.

and u can buy it from everywhere in the world.

also Abdullah Yousuf Ali's can be buy through Publications of presidency of islamic courts & affairs, state of qatar.

all tafsirs from madeena university also in simple english.

2)a home teacher of Qur'an, personal computer and internet.

coelcanth bro, u said u know to read and write arab, masha allah, so the rest is easy to understand i think.


the above is an english and arabic translation site, in it u can access more than 10 tafsirs(translations) written by different authors.


the above is popular english translation tafsir ibnu katheer.
i think its very useful for coelcanth as u know to read and write, because the above site is word by word translation.

3)buy a recitaion CD of Holy Qur'an, i recommend sheikh abdur rahaman al sudaise, well known qari' and the imam of masjidul haram makkah , because his voice and tune of reciting is touching when we open a translation while listening his resitation. Emotional reciation we can here when thinking verses of Qur'an, sometimes i cried while listening it due to the innovative pleasure.

u can listen here while reading it.

u can download it with english translation from here

and malabari bro invited u both to meet in qatar so that he will give the free copies u wanted, i think.

and dear pierrot bro
ask all of your questions, i will try my best to answer with Qur'an and hadeed.and i will send an informative mail soon insha allah

dear nice too nice bro
thank u jazaakallahu khyrum katheera for supporting me.

dear amoud sis,
i am joining with your view about jackson, do u know a dileep kumar and his mother who accepted islam in 1987 before i was born and changed his name to "allah rakha rahman"? he is the ever natural legend A R RAHMAN.

dear anasfk bro,
convey the truth in a very best manner,
do not hurt anybody, we have no right for that.
"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching;And argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious:For thy Lord knoweth best,who have strayed from HIS Path,and who receive guidance"[Holy Quran16:125]

i wish to stop here by qouting a beautiful ayat from holy quran which made me to weep a single drop of tear.

"For submitting men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in GOD's praise,- for them has GOD prepared forgiveness and great reward.[qur'an 33:35]

again dear coelcanth and pierrot brothers, i have experienced many online discussions from 2006, have met peoples like cowards and hypocrites, but masha allah u both are comrades, love u alot