sorry for that,
i misunderstand about the post.
but glad to see an innocent truth seeker here also.
diest? a new faith?
i think the things are now clear for u as answered by bro bla and osman yissah,
if a new and good conditioned car got an accident by the false driving of a drank driver, assume
do we blame the car?
or do we blame the driver?
George washington and mahatma gandi are the great leaders of american revolution and indian freedom struggle, did we call them terrorists?
thus palestine struggling for its freedom from israel, may be that's why hamas leader in Gaurdian report tells so.
and global terrorism is utter anti islamic, do not compare the "strive for existence" in palestine(also iraq) and unwanted bomb blasts occuring in other countries(like india) only aimed to kill innocents who are living peacefully in a populated area.
suiciding and killing innocents, women, children all are punishable and strictly forbidden according to Qur'an and hadeed.
our GOD granted some great rewards for both men and women(Qur'an and hadeed), to encourage doing good deeds and work righteous in this earth, here the reasoning of yours work, i think.
my reasoning tells that its a training of GOD to make an excellent humanity or a meaningful mankind.
so we practice good for getting the awardz in heaven like a kid who do his homework inorder to escape from punishing of teacher or to get chocolates from Dad.
and we dont questian our GOD ALMIGHTY, Exalted, Ominipotent, the most gracious,merciful and beneficent because we know he is "JUSTICE" and the magestic throne of both men and women
so we women in islam have no doubt about the equality in heaven as our LORD tells in our Holy Book.
(malabari bro posted a lot of ayats about the equality of men and women)
sorry for that,
i misunderstand about the post.
but glad to see an innocent truth seeker here also.
diest? a new faith?
i think the things are now clear for u as answered by bro bla and osman yissah,
if a new and good conditioned car got an accident by the false driving of a drank driver, assume
do we blame the car?
or do we blame the driver?
George washington and mahatma gandi are the great leaders of american revolution and indian freedom struggle, did we call them terrorists?
thus palestine struggling for its freedom from israel, may be that's why hamas leader in Gaurdian report tells so.
and global terrorism is utter anti islamic, do not compare the "strive for existence" in palestine(also iraq) and unwanted bomb blasts occuring in other countries(like india) only aimed to kill innocents who are living peacefully in a populated area.
suiciding and killing innocents, women, children all are punishable and strictly forbidden according to Qur'an and hadeed.
our GOD granted some great rewards for both men and women(Qur'an and hadeed), to encourage doing good deeds and work righteous in this earth, here the reasoning of yours work, i think.
my reasoning tells that its a training of GOD to make an excellent humanity or a meaningful mankind.
so we practice good for getting the awardz in heaven like a kid who do his homework inorder to escape from punishing of teacher or to get chocolates from Dad.
and we dont questian our GOD ALMIGHTY, Exalted, Ominipotent, the most gracious,merciful and beneficent because we know he is "JUSTICE" and the magestic throne of both men and women
so we women in islam have no doubt about the equality in heaven as our LORD tells in our Holy Book.
(malabari bro posted a lot of ayats about the equality of men and women)