MD.. that's what i said...this is a rule, and there are exceptions...And it's not entirely up to the Company to bring your family with you right away or not. Every application (including for YOURSELF) need an approval from the government... it might happen even with the candidate himself.. there are a lot of cases when the Company is willing to hire the person, but for some reason the visa for him/her cannot be issued.. what shall you do? the same is with his dependants... You were lucky, your company was able to issue visa for your dependants right away (don't forget, i have mentioned the nationality factor as well), other have to wait 3 months, some are waiting for 6 months, some NEVER get a family visa approved. But you are right, it's up to you to accept this situation or not...

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry