Nicely done. You guys dont have to be all judgmental & shit, what she wrote intended to just give you a breif idea of the whole damn thing. I've been to quite a lot of these places & shes somewhat right.

A few aditions.

Paloma, Intercon. If you know Salsa or are interested in it theres no other place like it. I AM sad about the no more outdoors though.

Aussie Legends, Rydges. For the guys, they have a pool table there..nice eh? although a little hard to get a turn as its packed.

Cloud nine, Merweb. Too TOO crowded, place is a little bigger then Rydges' but furnished really badly. Oh & the first fridays of the months?..shouler to shoulder, & i literally mean shoulder to shoulder! Forget dancin you cant frikkin walk or sit or drink decently. Friendly down to earth staff though.