Don't worry, be happy, I was honest in introducing myself and all I get was nasty, selfish and racist comments.

Not knowing me at all and you guys made a quick judgment already. That just speaks for itself and others. Quote there is good people in QL. but rudeness from others, I won't accept or tolerate.

I'll give you a quick comparison of the expatriates in the Philippines, they work real hard for what they own, they are married and got beautiful children and never complain about anything and they do respect our culture.

But in the other hands the expatriates in Qatar act in great majority as Prima-donas.

I have being reading some of their threads, what a bunch of cry babies in my opinion.

Be thankful for what you got in your life, lucky for all of you, that are working and making decent money.

That is why I get up every morning at 4:30 am and I'll be at work at 5:30 am on time ready to work, well dress and with a big smile.