Anything under limit looks nice. One of the gentleman, I remember was the neighbour in one of my workplace & I am damn sure it was half meter long. Although that guy was a bit religious but this way he is / was promoting wrong impression about Islam. As far as I understand Islam urges on cleanliness to such an extent that it makes half of your faith & beard in Islamic teachings should not exceed more than the size of your hand (correct me if I am mistaking). So, half meter of beard would turn any person off :) but tidy stuff is admired by all. For me, if I feel either it is grown:
1. To hide face
2. Religious reason
3. Hide spots / blemishes
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Different ppl, different opinions :)
Anything under limit looks nice. One of the gentleman, I remember was the neighbour in one of my workplace & I am damn sure it was half meter long. Although that guy was a bit religious but this way he is / was promoting wrong impression about Islam. As far as I understand Islam urges on cleanliness to such an extent that it makes half of your faith & beard in Islamic teachings should not exceed more than the size of your hand (correct me if I am mistaking). So, half meter of beard would turn any person off :) but tidy stuff is admired by all. For me, if I feel either it is grown:
1. To hide face
2. Religious reason
3. Hide spots / blemishes
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!