well, unfortunately, you don't have a lot of choice in rearranging your seat...once you have picked the seats, you are stuck...no matter who comes along...but i do think that it is fair to make generalizations...in many places, it is common courtesy not to move around alot or make noises (talk, answer cell phones, etc.) during a film. Doha isn't generally one of these places. It can take a bit of getting used to...regardless of who is at fault. Also, regarding the American kicking your seat, I bet it was me! I was yelled at once by a lady in front of me and my daughter because we were 'kicking her seat'. Actually, we were not purposely kicking her seat----we are tall people and didn't have very much foot room. Instead of politely requesting, she just started yelling. Personally, I was quite offended. I would have appreciated her input if it had been expressed properly. Instead, I didn't have very much incentive to honor her request. But then again, I think that it is necessary to give people many excuses for their behavior as was the example of the Prophet (SAW)...maybe she was having a bad day and the 'kicking' episode was just the last straw.