I bought BioDisc since 2006. With open mind & heart I learned it carefully. As a matter of fact it's real hi-tech product but user friendly. Previously my sons & me (3 perons) was very easy got cough & flu, we have to pay about US$90 for the bill for every month. Our stamina was very low at that time. Then we started drinking biowater & gradually our stamina are getting better & better. Now we are not that easy to get cough & flu as previously. Thanks God, until today our stamina is good & our doctor's & medicine's expense are reduce. It's not BioDisc that heal the disease, but the positive energy come out from BioDisc that transfered through water into our body makes our stamina is getting better. This is one of benefit that I've esperienced. I believe so many people also experienced the benefit. God bless!