well. these days you really have to be a high-level professional in immigration field to get things done
and actually i know someone who is highly professional, and he can get "ungettable", and which saleemshajahan claims to be impossible.... :):)
that's why when this pathetic saleemshajahan started "enlightening" me regarding the rules, i left the thread.. I am just wondering how saleemshajahan can offer his services to people since all he can answer: you cannot do this and you cannot do that... people with the special cases need someone who is highly professional and who actually CAN get the things done, instead of hearing, you CANNOT all the time..
Vivo Bonito.. perhaps someone should know people's rights... and to have a sense of the business he is doing..why one lawyer wins the case and another looses it?? simple. coz the first one is Professional, and another either stupid to understand or lazy to look deeply into the law! the one is lucky who managed to find the First lawyer, and to avoid the second one!
as same as with any other business. Why one can get things done easy, and another trying to do the same and constantly fails?
khalas, i am out of here...I will keep my energy for some better stuff to do..
yeah, pathetic saleemshajahan.. i think you have to start from getting the glasses for yourself.. i think my pic on the avator is clear enough...:)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
well. these days you really have to be a high-level professional in immigration field to get things done
and actually i know someone who is highly professional, and he can get "ungettable", and which saleemshajahan claims to be impossible.... :):)
that's why when this pathetic saleemshajahan started "enlightening" me regarding the rules, i left the thread.. I am just wondering how saleemshajahan can offer his services to people since all he can answer: you cannot do this and you cannot do that... people with the special cases need someone who is highly professional and who actually CAN get the things done, instead of hearing, you CANNOT all the time..
Vivo Bonito.. perhaps someone should know people's rights... and to have a sense of the business he is doing..why one lawyer wins the case and another looses it?? simple. coz the first one is Professional, and another either stupid to understand or lazy to look deeply into the law! the one is lucky who managed to find the First lawyer, and to avoid the second one!
as same as with any other business. Why one can get things done easy, and another trying to do the same and constantly fails?
khalas, i am out of here...I will keep my energy for some better stuff to do..
yeah, pathetic saleemshajahan.. i think you have to start from getting the glasses for yourself.. i think my pic on the avator is clear enough...:)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry