Platao, It is very clear. Who breaks the law of God, he is out from the faith. It doesn't matter whether he continue to claim as Muslim. The Almighty given instructions to muslims to follow, no any non believer compelled to follow that but muslim. Hey don't be so proud. Please read the history and find where from the Medical science came, where from the maths and astrology came out......
You can not be a muslim until you accept islam as a way of life and obey the teaching of the Holy Qur'an with clear heart of submission to the Almighty(not to the moroccan girl). You can claim as converted to islam for the sake of your worldly gains, but who cares that.. If someone accepted islam as his religion, then he is not supposed to breach any rules of it. Its common sense.
And regarding the islamic rules, why do you worry the ladies who wear abhaya? Is it hurt you any way? It is upto them to wear as they taught so as to be a Muslim. Hey man, you even can't divorce your wife officially if you see her doing adultery. But islam prevents all type of adultery whether it is from man or woman. That is why it provides clear guidance how to have relations. Not like you people date with someone and you find the pleasure is going down, then choose another one and do whatever you want, then throw her and go on.... And islam protects the family as well as the society keeping the address(i think you understand what i mean). For us we are proud about our family and culture. Beccause it has unbroken links to forefathers.....