John: O father I have sinned.
Priest: O what have you done my son
John: I have slept with a girl, but I cant tell you her name.
Priest: Was it Hairy Mary
John: No Father I cannot say
Priest: Was it Lucy Loose
John: Father I am at no liberty to say
Priest: Was it Sarah softbottom
John: Father I cannot say
Priest: It must have been Lisa leggy
John: says Father I cannot say after he leaves the confession booth.
John's mate David was eagerly waiting outside. So how did it go. John said.. I have 1 definate and 3 good leads that we can checkout..
A young boy goes to the church to confess..
John: O father I have sinned.
Priest: O what have you done my son
John: I have slept with a girl, but I cant tell you her name.
Priest: Was it Hairy Mary
John: No Father I cannot say
Priest: Was it Lucy Loose
John: Father I am at no liberty to say
Priest: Was it Sarah softbottom
John: Father I cannot say
Priest: It must have been Lisa leggy
John: says Father I cannot say after he leaves the confession booth.
John's mate David was eagerly waiting outside. So how did it go. John said.. I have 1 definate and 3 good leads that we can checkout..