Dm: I belive in SOME OF jESUS words but i don't consider him a profet, the bible has some contradictions regarding him too, so, i consider him at the same level as the Budist
Ghandi, only difference is that i don't have any witness from Jesus words, while Ghandi still has alive former companions OR IF YOU PREFER, DESCIPLES (sorry caps).

How do i know what's right or wrong?
Well, since i was litle kid i leurned not to do to others what i wouldn't like them to do to me.

"Do you think that good people are the same as criminals or people doing heineous crimes?"

Of course not, but you need to think that life is like school, or if you prefer like a company where you work,
the good students/workers keep heading forwarder, the bad students/workers will have to improve themselfs if they wanna be at the same level as the good student/worker.
Don't forget that in spiritism there is no evil we call it unresponsability.

Coelcanth: Can you tell me who was the old guy in the bible that had sex with his daughters and servant because "Bible's God" couldn't make his old wife fertile to have children?
I don't think it was lot because his wife was turned int a salt statue when they left Sodom and she looked behind.

The Great Flood is spoken in several Holly books, but of course, it wasn't universal, how could just 1 couple of each specie to repopulate the world in, lets say, 500 years?
Similar situation may have happened with Adam and Eve, how could they generate thousands of people in the same 500 years to populate earth with humans and all so different?

Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ