give the company a call and ask to be put through to the person who has been dealing with it and then floow up with a confirmation email. If the position arose via an employment consultant get them to earn there fee and find iut what is going on. In the last six months my company has hired staff from NZ and Oz and we allways use a consultant from those countries. The visa's have been formalities but residency permits (RPs) have taken about 4 to 6 weeks after the person has arrived. My PA who is Lebanese handles all the paperwork and one of our drivers does the running around and lining up at government agencies etc.
As for courtesy and customer service if you are polite, patient and persistent you dont have any problems. You may get the occasional unhelpful person but there are a few of them in Sydney and Auckland no doubt.

Good luck with your husbands job hunting, may I ask what sector is he in?